Feature - Implemented Tomb ratchet use in minibrowser/relay browser


New member
If you don't have the pyramid puzzle memorized, then when you use a tomb ratchet from your inventory, it would be nice to see the current state of the Lower Chamber in the item use message, along with links to use another ratchet if you have one, or to adventure in the Lower Chamber.

Thank you all for putting together KoLmafia!


Staff member
It wouldn't be unreasonable to have a built-in decoration of the result page from turning a tomb ratchet that showed the current pyramid (just as we do when you turn the wooden wheel) and also gives you a "Use another tomb ratchet" link if you have more in inventory (just like we add a "Use another dance card" to the Rotting Matilda page).


Staff member
I actually like this suggestion. I started a new BHY run yesterday. I'll be at the pyramid in a few days and I'll see what I can come up with at that time.


New member
I just ran into the implemented feature today, and I wanted to thank Veracity for implementing it! It works great!