The Fruit Triplicator


New member
Those of you that have used Professor Jacking's Laboratory know that it is a way to triplicate fruits! Well, after ascending I got bored and decided to keep doing that to make some meat. Unfortunately, it is a rather annoying process to go to the fruit machine and put in a fruit, then adventure in the Small-O-Fier over and over...

So I made a script! Just run "fruit [fruit name] [number of runs]" and the script will do the work for you. If there's already a fruit in there, it'll detect it and ask you what you want to do. Number of runs can be either a number (1 or larger) or * (keep going until you're out of adventures).

Suggestions are welcome! Enjoy.


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Got something like this worked up thanks to a bit of banana farming. Check this out and tell me what you think. (Note: requires zlib.ash) Perhaps a combo of the two might prove handy.

This script I've uploaded sets a variable with zlib and will check to see if you already have that fruit you set. It doesn't check for other fruit. It also sets 2 adventure choices so you can farm and gain a few stats. It's worked pretty well for bananas. Very in fact. I went from the one someone gave me as a gift when I first started to over 70.


Got something like this worked up thanks to a bit of banana farming. Check this out and tell me what you think. (Note: requires zlib.ash) Perhaps a combo of the two might prove handy.

This script I've uploaded sets a variable with zlib and will check to see if you already have that fruit you set. It doesn't check for other fruit. It also sets 2 adventure choices so you can farm and gain a few stats. It's worked pretty well for bananas. Very in fact. I went from the one someone gave me as a gift when I first started to over 70.

yeah, I used mine to get like 50 in about 10 minutes. perhaps it could be optimized to lower combat frequency as much as possible?
Well, I updated it a little bit. Now you just type "fruit fruit name[, number of runs]" (the number of runs being optional), and the script will farm as before, but continue doing so many runs as specified. The number of runs must be an integer or an asterisk (*); the asterisk will make the script simply keep running until you run out of adventures.

Other than that, there's nothing new except that the script will now automatically make sure that the choice adventure picks the fruit option, no matter what it was set to before. It will also return the choice to the original option (in case it was originally set to combat, or whatever you want).

Updated to prevent accidental adventuring without any fruit. If you have no fruit in your inventory, it will ask if you wanna get some otherwise (closet, buying, etc.) using retrieve_item().
I think fruits with two words break your script. I tried "fruit sea honeydew" (I also tried "fruit 'sea honeydew') and it puked:

choiceAdventure452 => 3
Checking whether there's already a fruit bouncing around...
Placing a none in the Pneumatic Tube Interface...
[¶-1] has no matches.

choiceAdventure452 => 0
Looking at the string parsing mechanism, that does not surprise me. It's pretty weird and I don't feel like re-writing it.

You might be better off using the second script (in post 2) instead. Change the fruitfarm variable to sea honeydew and you'll be fine.
Looking at the string parsing mechanism, that does not surprise me. It's pretty weird and I don't feel like re-writing it.

Nothing wrong with the mechanism. The user forgot to specify the number of runs. It was my bad for forgetting to change the script to reflect the string parsing later. The script expects a number after the fruit; if it's a one word fruit then it'll give an error simply because it expects at least another parameter. Two words fruits won't trigger the error because it can actually find the extra index. I've updated it to reflect the problem.
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Neither of these scripts seem to work anymore. The fruit.ash will continue forever, regardless of how many turns you specify, without adding fruit to the machine. The fruitfarm.ash quits after only 1 adventure.

Are these scripts broken for anyone else?
fruit.ash is pretty verbose. Can you copy what happens in the gCLI when you launch it?

EDIT: fruit.ash doesn't check if something happened when inserting the fruit, but fruitfarm.ash does, which would explain why one keeps running and the other stops. I guess something changed in the URL to insert the fruit. I can't get it myself now, but you can by launching Mafia's mini-browser (General -> Mini-Browser), placing a fruit in the replicator yourself, and writing down the URL shown in the address bar.
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