Song use tracking


Active member
Does mafia track the few AT songs that are limited each day, such as the ones you gets from hobopolis bosses? I know it tracks other skill use, like Rainbow Gravatation and how many times you've cast from a Libram, but I'm not finding anything familiar in the defaults.txt. I was hoping to find something along the lines of:
user    _sang6023Times   0 track the number of times you've played Chorale of Companionship in a day.

If not, is there some way to determine how many times it's been played without beating the server all to hell and back?


Hell, we could even do something similar to relay counters, only for AT songs. Less preference clutter, can still be dealt with fairly painlessly in scripts, and scripts before / after new features are added wouldn't have potential conflicts, they'd just "miss" data.


Active member
So... I take it there would need to be a feature request then... Ah well. I'm actually surprised there hasn't been one yet.


Staff member
For now, a single page load of skills.php and proper parsing could tell you how many uses you have left, since KoL lists (X/Y) after each limited skill.