Setting a Relative Path to the Relay Browser


New member
I sometimes run mafia off of a USB key, with portable firefox adding in all my greasemonkey scripts. Since the drive letter for the key changes with every computer it's plugged in to, mafia's location for portable firefox is usually wrong (pointing to a nonexistant drive, generally), and then the default browser on the system pops up. Every time I go to a new computer, I have to reset the path to firefox in preferences.

Is there a way I haven't found yet to give a relative path to the location of firefox portable? I've tried a couple of normal ways, and moved the firefox directory to the same as mafia, so there's no moving up in the tree, but it still doesn't seem to accept a relative path. Is this possible to do? (If not, then it's feature request time!). Or, is there some other simple solution that I'm missing? Thanks.