Feature - Rejected Semi-rare Protection for Overlook Lodge ?


The final non-combat in Twin Peak takes 2 adventures, rather than one, resulting in potential eating of a semi-rare. (I didn't notice til it happened to me). Any chance of extending semi-rare protection to this encounter ?

[436] Twin Peak
Encounter: Lost in the Great Overlook Lodge
Encounter: To Catch a Killer
Encounter: Now It's Dark
You acquire an item: gold wedding ring

[438] Giant's Castle (Top Floor)


Staff member
I, uh, /used rusty hedge trimmers, so Mafia didn't label the adventure in question. Looks like the NC's just taking one turn, though.

[471] Twin Peak
Encounter: spider (duck?) topiary animal
Round 0: heeheehee wins initiative!
Round 1: heeheehee casts CURDLE!
Round 2: spider (duck?) topiary animal takes 22 damage.
Round 2: heeheehee casts CURDLE!
Round 3: spider (duck?) topiary animal takes 22 damage.
Round 3: heeheehee casts CURDLE!
Round 4: spider (duck?) topiary animal takes 22 damage.
Round 4: heeheehee casts CURDLE!
Round 5: spider (duck?) topiary animal takes 22 damage.
Round 5: heeheehee casts CURDLE!
Round 6: spider (duck?) topiary animal takes 22 damage.
Round 6: heeheehee wins the fight!
You gain 5 hit points
You gain 3 Mana Points
You acquire an item: rusty hedge trimmers
You gain 8 Strengthliness
You gain 15 Wizardliness
You gain 8 Sarcasm
Encounter: Lost in the Great Overlook Lodge
Encounter: To Catch a Killer
Encounter: Now It's Dark
You acquire an item: gold wedding ring
You acquire an item: giant discarded plastic fork
You acquire an item: Misty Robe

[473] Video Game Level 1