Scripting Question -- Interactive Pop Up

I was curious if it was possible to have a script call up a pop up window asking for something to be selected. For instance, I use the EatDrink script a lot and when I run it, it will ask me to choose several choices like selecting true/false or entering numbers. However, I was wondering if I could have a script ask these questions later on and not at the beginning. For example, if I choose to run the EatDrink in simulator mode and then at the end when it shows me simulated results, ask if I want to confirm these actions and then proceed to carry out it out or not depending on what I choose. Note: I am just using the EatDrink as an example :).


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Yes and no. If all you're asking for later is a true/false, that's possible... it's just a user_confirm box. If you're asking for something more like what EatDrink offers initially... not easily, no. Items put into the main() value will be prompted individually. After that, it's much less likely.