Question about options when in Valhalla

Is there a script or a way (in ASH code or some option) to set the default path you want to Hardcore instead of Softcore (This should be "Default", not Softcore.) at the moment?

This is a pretty minor and lazy thing to ask but so irritating as I forgot to set my path to HC and had my first SC run in a while...

PS: While I'm asking that, any chance of asking if the latest challenge path could be set as the default path too? :p

Thanks for reading!
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Sorry, yes it is in default position, but my question is how to set it to Hardcore so I dont do something dumb like clicking Softcore instead.


So, that means making a relay override script? How do I do something like that?

You need to name it the same as the page it is replacing. Here's a reasonably simple example of a relay script that modifies the top menu. Note that at the top it does a visit_url() to get the unaltered page. Then there are a series of replace_string() to change the text. Finally at the bottom is write() to output it to the relay browser.

void main() {
	buffer results;

	string alt = '<span style="font-weight:normal;color:#1975FF">';
	// inventory page option
	  'inventory.php?which=1">inv</a><a target=mainpane href="inventory.php?which=2">'+alt+'ent</span></a><a target=mainpane href="inventory.php?which=3">ory</a> <a target=mainpane href="inventory.php?which=f0">fav</a>');
	// crafting page option
	results.replace_string('craft.php">crafting</a>', 'craft.php">craft</a><a target=mainpane href="craft.php?mode=discoveries">'+alt+'ing</span></a>');
	// quests page option
	results.replace_string('questlog.php">quests</a>', 'questlog.php?which=1">qu</a><a target=mainpane href="questlog.php?which=4">'+alt+'es</span></a><a target=mainpane href="questlog.php?which=6">ts</a>');
	// messages page option
	results.replace_string('messages.php">messages</a>', 'messages.php?box=Inbox">mes</a><a target=mainpane href="messages.php?box=Outbox">'+alt+'sag</span></a><a target=mainpane href="sendmessage.php">es</a>');
	// reduce clutter
	// Cosmic Kitchen
	if(my_path() == "Avatar of Jarlsberg")
		results.replace_string('camp</a>','camp</a> <a target=mainpane href="shop.php?whichshop=jarl">kitchen</a>');
	// Go straight to bookshelf from campground.
	boolean have_bookshelf() {
		if(in_bad_moon() || my_path() == "Avatar of Boris") return false;
		foreach s in $skills[Summon Alice's Army Cards, Summon BRICKOs, Summon Candy Hearts, Summon Love Song,
		  Summon Party Favor, Summon Stickers, Summon Sugar Sheets, Summon Tasteful Items]
			if(have_skill(s)) return true;
		return false;
	// add either VIP or sofa link, depending
	if(item_amount($item[VIP lounge key]) > 0)
		    "clan_hall.php\">clan</a> <a target=mainpane href=\"clan_viplounge.php\">VIP</a>");
	else results.replace_string("clan_hall.php\">clan</a>",
	  "clan_hall.php\">clan</a> <a target=mainpane href=\"clan_rumpus.php?action=click&spot=5&furni=3\">sofa</a>");
	// add beanstalk, knob, manor, sea
	if (my_level() > 9) results.replace_string("plains</a>","plains</a> <a target=mainpane href=\"beanstalk.php\">bean</a>");
	if (my_level() > 4) results.replace_string("plains</a>","plains</a> <a target=mainpane href=\"cobbsknob.php\">knob</a>");
	if(get_property("lastManorUnlock") == my_ascensions())
		results.replace_string("town</a>","town</a> <a target=mainpane href=\"manor.php\">manor</a>");
	else results.replace_string("town</a>","town</a> <a target=mainpane href=\""+to_url($location[haunted pantry])+"\">pantry</a>");
	// add guild
	string guild = "guild.php?guild=";
	if(my_path() == "Avatar of Boris") guild = "da.php?place=gate1";
	else if(my_path() == "Avatar of Jarlsberg") guild = "da.php?place=gate2";
	else if(my_path() == "Avatar of Sneaky Pete") guild = "da.php?place=gate3";
	else if(my_path() == "Zombie Slayer") guild = "campground.php?action=grave";
	else if(my_primestat() == $stat[muscle]) guild += "f";
	else if(my_primestat() == $stat[mysticality]) guild += "m";
	else if(my_primestat() == $stat[moxie]) guild += "t";
	results.replace_string("<a href=\"#\" onClick='\"doc.php?",
	  "<a target=mainpane href=\""+guild+"\">guild</a> <a href=\"#\" onClick='\"doc.php?");
	// sea
	if(available_amount($item[makeshift SCUBA gear]) > 0)
		results.replace_string("<br><a href=\"#\" onClick",
		  "<br><a target=mainpane href=\"oldman.php\">sea</a> <a href=\"#\" onClick");
	// image links to public charsheet
	results.replace_string("valign=center><img src=\"",
	  "valign=center><a target=mainpane href=\"showplayer.php?who="+my_id()+"\"><img title=\"View Public Charsheet\" src=\"");
	results.replace_string("smallleftswordguy.gif\" width=33 height=40>", "smallleftswordguy.gif\" width=33 height=40></a>");
	// Add a few images to the right...
	int lastTr = last_index_of( results , "</table>" ) +length("</table>");
	string divright = "<div style='position: absolute; right: 130px; bottom: 0px;'>";
	results.replace(lastTr , lastTr , divright+"</div>");
	lastTr += length(divright);

	// add image link to basement logs
	results.replace(lastTr, lastTr, '<a href=\"clan_raidlogs.php" target="mainpane"><img src="" height=50 width=50 style="align: right; border: 0" /></a>');
	// Add image link to the Florist
	results.replace( lastTr , lastTr , '<a href="forestvillage.php?action=floristfriar" target="mainpane">' +
	  '<img src="" height=68 width=68 style="margin:0 0 0 0; overflow:hidden; align:right; border:0" /></a>');
	// Change pvp to PvP
	results.replace_string(">pvp<", ">PvP<");
	// Fix link to bugbear mothership
	if(my_path() == "Bugbear Invasion")
		results.replace_string("whichplace=bugbearship_outside", "whichplace=bugbearship");


I was ascending so I got a little curious about this. I grabbed the page and swiftly found that the javascript involved makes things a little bit tricky.

If afterlife.ash looks like this:

void main() {
	if(form_field("place") != "reincarnate") exit;
	buffer afterlife = visit_url("afterlife.php?place=reincarnate");
	afterlife.replace_string('<option value=3 >Hardcore', '<option selected="selected" value=3 >Hardcore');

Then it will start without displaying the section of the page where you tell it what sort of hardcore ascension you want because it is triggered by the onChange event. You actually have to select something other than hardcore, then switch back to hardcore to make it work. That's a definite fail. Any advice?

The page's source looks like this:

<script language=Javascript>

function showdiv(whichone) {
function hidediv(whichone) {

var lifestyle = 0
function lifestyleoptions() {
	lifestyle = document.ascform.asctype.value;
	if (document.ascform.asctype.value==0) {
		hidediv('casualblurb'); hidediv('softcoreblurb'); hidediv('hardcoreblurb');
		hidediv('classgender'); hidediv('moonsigns'); 
		$('select[name="whichsign"] option[value=10]').remove();
	if (document.ascform.asctype.value==1) {
		showdiv('casualblurb'); hidediv('softcoreblurb'); hidediv('hardcoreblurb');
		showdiv('classgender'); showdiv('moonsigns');
		$('select[name="whichsign"] option[value=10]').remove();
	if (document.ascform.asctype.value==2) {
		hidediv('casualblurb'); showdiv('softcoreblurb'); hidediv('hardcoreblurb');
		showdiv('classgender'); showdiv('moonsigns'); showdiv('path');
		$('select[name="whichsign"] option[value=10]').remove();
	if (document.ascform.asctype.value==3) {
		hidediv('casualblurb'); hidediv('softcoreblurb'); showdiv('hardcoreblurb');
		showdiv('classgender'); showdiv('moonsigns'); showdiv('path');
		$('select[name="whichsign"] option[value=10]').remove();
		$('select[name="whichsign"]').append('<option value="10">Bad Moon</option>');

function classgenderoptions() {
	var classimage;
	switch(document.ascform.whichclass.value) {
		case '1': classimage='sealclubber'; break;
		case '2': classimage='turtletamer'; break;
		case '3': classimage='pastamancer'; break;
		case '4': classimage='sauceror'; break;
		case '5': classimage='discobandit'; break;
		case '6': classimage='accordionthief'; break;

	if (document.ascform.whichpath.value == 8) classimage = "boris_avatar";
	if (document.ascform.whichpath.value == 10) classimage = "zombavatar";
	if (document.ascform.whichpath.value == 12) classimage = "jarlsberg_avatar";
	if (document.ascform.gender.value==2) classimage+="_f";

function pathoptions() {
	var pathimage;
	var pathtext;
	switch(document.ascform.whichpath.value) {
		case '0': pathimage='blank'; pathtext='Paths are voluntary restrictions added to an incarnation.  They make things more difficult, but come with powerful rewards!  Select a path to see details.'; break;
		case '1': pathimage='path_booze'; pathtext="Boozetafarians prefer to drink their dinners.  And their lunches, and their breakfasts, and all of their snacks.  On the Boozetafarian path you may not eat any food. <b><font color=blue>(+12 Karma)</font></b>"; break;
		case '2': pathimage='path_teet'; pathtext="Teetotalers don't see why people feel the need to alter their perceptions in order to have a good time.  On the Teetotaler path, you may not drink any booze. <b><font color=blue>(+12 Karma)</font></b>"; break;
		case '3': pathimage='path_oxy'; pathtext="Oxygenarians derive all of their nutrition and drunkenness from the very air.  That's what they claim, at least.  Oxygenarians may partake neither of food nor booze. <b><font color=blue>(+26 Karma)</font></b>"; break;
		case '4': pathimage='path_bhy'; pathtext="<center><b>Summer 2011 Challenge</b></center><Br>Ever since you were a little kid, bees have hated you.  But living well is the best revenge, so you're gonna power through it, and prove that the stings and arrows of every bee in the Kingdom aren't enough to stop a truly dedicated Adventurer."; break;
		case '5': pathimage='path_bhy'; pathtext="<center><b>Fall 2011 Challenge - <b><font color=blue>(+<span class='challengebonus'>"+(lifestyle==3 ? 100 :50)+"</span> Karma)</font></b></b></center><br>[spoilzzzz]"; break;
		case '6': pathimage='wosp'; pathtext="<center><b>Fall 2011 Challenge</b></center><br>You follow the teachings of the Ancient Masters of the Surprising Fist.  You'll have to register your hands as deadly weapons, but it might be tricky to pay the registration fee on account of your vow of poverty. "; break;
		case '7': pathimage='path_trendy'; pathtext="<center><b>Winter 2011 Challenge</b></center><br>You're a slave to fashion -- a prisoner of style.  You cannot use any item, skill or familiar that has been unavailable for more than one year.  This includes Mr. Store items, holiday content, expired raffle items, and all other limited-time stuff."; break;
		case '8': pathimage='aob_trusty'; pathtext="<center><b>Spring 2012 Challenge</b></center><br>You're filled with the spirit of Boris, the voracious, ferocious, and prestigious Legendary Warrior of the Times of Old.  Armed with only your trusty axe Trusty and your faithful minstrel Clancy, you'll use an entirely new set of skills to defeat the Sorceress."; 
			$('#classpick select').val(1);
		case '9': pathimage='haiku2'; pathtext="<center><b>Summer 2012 Challenge</b></center><br>A parallel universe in which the Kingdom has been invaded by hostile bugbears from a different parallel universe."; break;
		case '10': pathimage='zombies_3'; pathtext="<center><b>Fall 2012 Challenge - </b></center><br>The dead are rising! Okay, it's been known to happen from time to time -- zombies aren't exactly rare in the Kingdom -- but this time it's serious! Take up arms to fight the undead hordes, before the entire Kingdom falls to a zombie apocalypse!"; 
			$('#classpick select').val(1);
		case '11': pathimage='path_classact'; pathtext="<center><b>Winter 2012 Challenge - </b></center><br>It's class warfare!  You will only be able to use permed skills from your own class."; 
		case '12': pathimage='path12'; pathtext="<center><b>Spring 2013 Challenge  - </b></center><br>You're filled with the spirit of Jarlsberg, the Legendary Wizard of the Times of Old.  Armed with the secrets of the cosmos, you'll use an entirely new set of powerful spells to devastate your foes."; 
			$('#classpick select').val(1);
		case '14': pathimage='path_big'; pathtext="<center><b>Summer 2013 Challenge - <b><font color=blue>(+<span class='challengebonus'>"+(lifestyle==3 ? 100 :50)+"</span> Karma)</font></b></b></center><br>You begin the game much larger (level 15,) but all of the monsters are larger too!"; 

function moonpreview() {
	var sign = document.ascform.whichsign.value;
	for(x=1;x<=10;x++) hidediv('moonsign'+x);
	if (sign == 10) { hidediv('path');
	else if (lifestyle >  1 ) showdiv('path');

<script language=Javascript>
if (parent.frames.length == -1) location.href="game.php";
<script language=Javascript src="/images/scripts/jquery-1.3.1.min.js"></script>
<script language=Javascript src="/images/scripts/keybinds.min.2.js"></script>
<script language=Javascript src="/images/scripts/window.20111231.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">function chatFocus(){if(top.chatpane.document.chatform.graf) top.chatpane.document.chatform.graf.focus();}
if (typeof defaultBind != 'undefined') { defaultBind(47, 2, chatFocus); defaultBind(190, 2, chatFocus);defaultBind(191, 2, chatFocus); defaultBind(47, 8, chatFocus);defaultBind(190, 8, chatFocus); defaultBind(191, 8, chatFocus); }</script><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

<script language="Javascript" src="/basics.js"></script><link rel="stylesheet" href="/basics.css" /></head>

<centeR></div><table  width=95%  cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center bgcolor=blue><b>The Bureau of Reincarnation</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td><form action=afterlife.php method=post name=ascform><input type=hidden name=action value=ascend><center><table><tr><td><img src= width=100 height=100 alt="After-Afterlife Al" title="After-Afterlife Al"></td><td valign=center><b>After-Afterlife Al, the President of Reincarnation:</b><p>"Heya, kid.  Welcome to the Bureau.  Gettin' bored up here?  Ready to head back down there and give it another go?  I gotcha covered."</td></tr></table><p>Select a lifestyle: <select name=asctype onChange="lifestyleoptions();"><option value=0 >-select a type-</option><option value=1 >Casual</option><option value=2 >Normal</option><option value=3 >Hardcore</option></select><p><div id=casualblurb style='display: none;'>A casual incarnation means you'll be able to play through the game again with full access to the Meat and items you acquired in your last life, and no restrictions on your interactions with other players, but you won't be eligible for any ascension leaderboards.  <b><font color=blue>(11 Karma)</font></b></div><div id=softcoreblurb style='display: none;'>A normal incarnation means you'll play the game again with limited access to the items and Meat you acquired in your last life.  You'll also be unable to receive items or buffs from other players for the first 1,000 turns of your new life.  <b><font color=blue>(111 Karma)</font></b></div><div id=hardcoreblurb style='display: none;'>If you elect to play the game in Hardcore mode, you won't be able to receive any items, Meat, or buffs from other players (or from your own long-term storage) for the duration of the run. You will also not be able to retain any skills from previous normal ascensions, but you <i>will</i> retain any skills marked in your permanent skills list as <b>hardcore</b>.  <b><font color=blue>(211 Karma)</font></b></div><div id="classgender" style='display: none;'><hr><table><tr><td valign=center><div id="classpick">Select a class: <select name=whichclass onChange="classgenderoptions();"><option value=0>- select a class -</option><option value=1 selected>Seal Clubber</option><option value=2 >Turtle Tamer</option><option value=3 >Pastamancer</option><option value=4 >Sauceror</option><option value=5 >Disco Bandit</option><option value=6 >Accordion Thief</option></select><p></div><div id="gender"><p>And a gender: <select onChange="classgenderoptions()" name=gender><option  value=1>Male</option><option selected value=2>Female</option></select><p></center></td><td><td><img name=classpreview src= width=60 height=100></td></tr></table></div><div id=path style='display: none;'><hr><table width=90%><tr><td valign=center>Path:<br><select name=whichpath onChange="pathoptions()"><option value=0>- none -</option><option value=1>Boozetafarian</option><option value=2>Teetotaler</option><option value=3>Oxygenarian</option><option value=14>BIG!</option><optgroup label="Old Seasonal Challenges"><option value=12>Avatar of Jarlsberg</option><option value=11>Class Act</option><option value=10>Zombie Slayer</option><option value=9>Bugbear Invasion</option><option value=8>Avatar of Boris</option><option value=7>Trendy</option><option value=6>Way of the Surprising Fist</option><option value=4>Bees Hate You</option></optgroup></select></td><td><img name=pathpic src=></td><td class=small><div id=pathdesc>Paths are voluntary restrictions added to an incarnation.  They make things more difficult, but come with powerful rewards!  Select a path to see details.</div></td></tr></table></div><div id=moonsigns style='display: none;'><hr><table width=90%><tr><td valign=center>Moon Sign:<br><select onChange='moonpreview();' name=whichsign><option value=1 >The Mongoose</option><option value=2 >The Wallaby</option><option value=3 >The Vole</option><option value=4 >The Platypus</option><option value=5 >The Opossum</option><option value=6 >The Marmot</option><option value=7 >The Wombat</option><option value=8 >The Blender</option><option value=9 >The Packrat</option><option value=10 >Bad Moon</option></select></td><td><div id=moonsign1 style='display: inline;'><table><tr><td width=100 height=100><img src= width=100 height=100></td><td valign=center><center><font size=2>Mongooses are tough but tender, and both relentless and flexible in the pursuit of their goals.<p><b>Benefits:<br><font color=blue>Unlocks Degrassi Knoll<br>+10% to all Muscle Gains<br>+20% Physical Damage</font></b></font></center></td></tr></table></div><div id=moonsign2 style='display: none;'><table><tr><td width=100 height=100><img src= width=100 height=100></td><td valign=center><center><font size=2>With a Wallaby as your mate, you'll be sure to have a good day, Barbie.<p><b>Benefits:<br><font color=blue>Unlocks Degrassi Knoll<br>+10% to all Mysticality Gains<br>+20% Spell Damage</font></b></font></center></td></tr></table></div><div id=moonsign3 style='display: none;'><table><tr><td width=100 height=100><img src= width=100 height=100></td><td valign=center><center><font size=2>Voles are sensibly reliable, and reliably sensible.<p><b>Benefits:<br><font color=blue>Unlocks Degrassi Knoll<br>+10% to all Moxie Gains<br>+20% Combat Initiative<br>+20 Maximum HP/MP</font></b></font></center></td></tr></table></div><div id=moonsign4 style='display: none;'><table><tr><td width=100 height=100><img src= width=100 height=100></td><td valign=center><center><font size=2>Platypuses are really pretty creepy, if you think about it.<p><b>Benefits:<br><font color=blue>Unlocks Little Canadia<br>+10% to all Muscle Gains<br>Familiar Weight +5 lbs.</font></b></font></center></td></tr></table></div><div id=moonsign5 style='display: none;'><table><tr><td width=100 height=100><img src= width=100 height=100></td><td valign=center><center><font size=2>Opossums make short work of their problems, and shorter work of their breakfasts.<p><b>Benefits:<br><font color=blue>Unlocks Little Canadia<br>+10% to all Mysticality Gains<br>+5 Adventures per day from Food</font></b></font></center></td></tr></table></div><div id=moonsign6 style='display: none;'><table><tr><td width=100 height=100><img src= width=100 height=100></td><td valign=center><center><font size=2>Marmots like to take things slow, but are more than capable of getting up to speed when necessary.<p><b>Benefits:<br><font color=blue>Unlocks Little Canadia<br>+10% to all Moxie Gains<br>Get 1 Free Ten-Leaf Clover per Day</font></b></font></center></td></tr></table></div><div id=moonsign7 style='display: none;'><table><tr><td width=100 height=100><img src= width=100 height=100></td><td valign=center><center><font size=2>Wombats are lucky and likable, and will almost always pick up the check.<p><b>Benefits:<br><font color=blue>Unlocks the Gnomish Gnomad Camp<br>+10% to all Muscle Gains<br>+20% Meat from Monsters</font></b></font></center></td></tr></table></div><div id=moonsign8 style='display: none;'><table><tr><td width=100 height=100><img src= width=100 height=100></td><td valign=center><center><font size=2>Blenders know how to have a good time at a cocktail party.<p><b>Benefits:<br><font color=blue>Unlocks the Gnomish Gnomad Camp<br>+10% to all Mysticality Gains<br>+5 Adventures per day from Booze</font></b></font></center></td></tr></table></div><div id=moonsign9 style='display: none;'><table><tr><td width=100 height=100><img src= width=100 height=100></td><td valign=center><center><font size=2>Packrats know when to hold them, and also when to fold them.<p><b>Benefits:<br><font color=blue>Unlocks the Gnomish Gnomad Camp<br>+10% to all Moxie Gains<br>+10% Items from Monsters</font></b></font></center></td></tr></table></div><div id=moonsign10 style='display: none;'><table><tr><td width=100 height=100><img src= width=100 height=100></td><td valign=center><center><font size=2></center><b>NOTE:</b>  You have unlocked the Bad Moon sign for your next run.  Be warned:  being born under a Bad Moon is very difficult.  It's like Hardcore, but you don't get to use any of your previous permanent skills -- just the ones you acquire on the run.  The spirits of your familiars will also not return with you, and you'll have to find them again if you want to use them during the run.  Being born under a Bad Moon will also cause you to have a lot of "unlucky" stuff happen to you in various places.<p>It's challenging, but it's fun, and it has its rewards, just like other challenging paths.  There is a separate set of leaderboards for Bad Moon, as well.<center></font></b></font></center></td></tr></table></div></td></tr></table></div><div id=submission style='display: none;'><hr><input type=submit class=button value="Once More Unto the Breach!"></div></centeR></form></td></tr></table></center></td></tr><tr><td height=4></td></tr></table><table  width=95%  cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center bgcolor=blue><b>Beyond the Pale</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td><center><table><tr><td rowspan=2 align=center valign=center><a href=afterlife.php?place=permery><img src= width=166 height=166 border=0 alt="Jermery's Permery" title="Jermery's Permery"></a></td><td align=center><a href=afterlife.php?place=deli><img src= width=166 height=166 border=0 alt="The Deli Lama" title="The Deli Lama"></a></td><td rowspan=2 align=center valign=center><a href=afterlife.php?place=armory><img src= width=150 height=150 border=0 alt="Pet Heaven" title="Pet Heaven"</a></td></tr><tr><td><a href=afterlife.php?place=reincarnate><img src= width=233 height=175 border=0 alt="The Bureau of Reincarnation" title="The Bureau of Reincarnation"></a></td></tr></table></centeR></td></tr></table></center></td></tr><tr><td height=4></td></tr></table></center></body><script src="/onfocus.js"></script></html>
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It looks too hard for a total noob like me. So I'll just pay more attention to what im clicking next time.. ><

Thanks for looking it up!

PS: IF anyone has found a way to set the options, the next food for thought would be to set the Challenge Path to the latest one. :p Thinking wayyyy ahead but, just saying. :D
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