Question about cli stash put command...


Hello all...
I have a script that puts "extra" items in the clan stash for all to share, and there was a change with the stash put command that has me confused...

you used to be able to use -
stash put -10 soft green echo eyedrops

this would move soft greens you had above 10 into the stash.
Recently the command has been moving all of the item into the stash.

was the command altered by design? A quick search turned nothing up about it, so if I have missed something a nice nudge towards that location would be nice. Is the function still available with just different commands?

thanks for the help


Staff member
It looks like the "stash put" command was deciding how many to put, given a negative amount, based on how many were already in the stash, rather than how many were in inventory.

Fixed in revision 6871