Problem with Yellow ray expiry


New member
Writing up an .ash script for use to 'burn' a day's turns for one of my characters.
(Under the impression that someone could run it for me when I am on holiday in a few months)
I have the eating/drinking/spleening done (checks for the items, buys them if insufficient, then consumes)
Dailies are done (clan, hippy store, zappings etc)

Now is when I get my issue. I am using the boulders yellow ray 3-4 times a day and trying to farm inbetween time. I have fixed the small issues in timing the next ray, but now mafias own "Major Yellow Recharge counter expired" stops me before I can head to my desired location again. Is there a way to turn this off, or ignore it, or do I just have to try and adventure in the same place again?
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Staff member
You need a counterScript, which can have a return value of false (as well as doing whatever you want to do when that counter runs out, like setting things up to use another yellow ray).


The ray recharge counters weren't supposed to be aborting; I'm not sure how they ended up that way. Is anyone out there relying on that fact, or would otherwise be inconvenienced by changing them back to informational counters as intended?


I've also been finding it somewhat annoying, so please change them to informational.


Ok, the recharge counters have been informationalized in r7794, despite my spellchecker's insistence that there is no such word.

This won't affect any existing counters you have, only newly-created ones.


Ok, the recharge counters have been informationalized in r7794, despite my spellchecker's insistence that there is no such word.

Thank you! I found the abort state annoying, but figured it was probably requested by someone so I just accepted it. I much prefer the informationality ;) instead of abort.