Problem with mallprices and farm scripts


Active member
Sometimes items are not very well stocked in the mall, despite being fairly common to get (in this case the Cobb's Knob Wurstbrau). In the mall there are currently 3 stores selling this item and the third one is the wonderful black market store that sells everything at 987654321 meat.
My farm script looks at prices from the mall and is given the 5th price, or I guess in this case the thrid price since there are only three, and thus finds that Cobb's Knob is the bestest place in the world to farm since you can make 18845459 meat per off-duty guard.

Is there any way to tell Mafia to discard prices above a certain value and return "no price found" if that is the case?

Of should I hardcode a limit into my script to avoid this in the future?


This is a scripting issue, not a mafia issue. Mafia is behaving perfectly. If you want to discard prices over a certain value that is clearly a scripting decision.


Active member
Thanks for the reply. I was mainly wondering if a functionality for discarding prices above a certain range already existed or if I should add it to my script myself. I will add it myself then :)

Edit: 2 lines of code added and the problem is hopefully gone :)
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