Bug - Not A Bug Problem with kol macro auto-attack



The basic problem is that mafia disregards my kol macro auto-attack in favor of whatever is in mafia's action box in the adventure tab UNLESS I first spend one turn manually with the kol macro set as my auto-attack. Only if I do this will mafia not try to change the auto-attack (assuming non-summoned combats). Is this intended behavior at present?

05/18/10 03:30 PM - Setting auto-attack to Combat Macro (hobomonkey).
Validating adventure sequence...
Requests complete.

Request 1 of 259 (Beanstalk: Giant's Castle) in progress...
Changing auto-attack: attack with weapon
KoLmafia declares world peace.

[63024] Giant's Castle
Encounter: Goth Giant
Strategy: attack with weapon
Round 0: Spiny Twizzler wins initiative!
Round 1: goth giant takes 2626 damage.
After Battle: Meaty Monkey sits on your fallen opponent's body, blows a smoke ring, and winks at you.
You gain 898 Meat
You acquire an item: thin black candle
You acquire an item: Warm Subject gift certificate
05/18/10 03:32 PM - Setting auto-attack to Combat Macro (hobomonkey).
You gain 8 Fortitude
You gain 9 Enchantedness
You gain 18 Roguishness

Manual stop requested.
05/18/10 03:32 PM - Setting auto-attack to Combat Macro (hobomonkey).
Validating adventure sequence...
Requests complete.

Visit to Beanstalk: Giant's Castle in progress...
Changing auto-attack: attack with weapon

[63025] Giant's Castle
Encounter: Raver Giant
Strategy: attack with weapon
Round 0: Spiny Twizzler wins initiative!
Round 0: Spiny Twizzler attacks! (auto-attack)
Round 2: raver giant takes 2617 damage.
After Battle: Meaty Monkey sits on your fallen opponent's body, blows a smoke ring, and winks at you.
You gain 832 Meat
You acquire an item: Angry Farmer candy
You acquire an item: Mick's IcyVapoHotness Rub
You acquire an item: giant needle
You gain 4 Strongness
You gain 17 Wizardliness
You gain 17 Cheek

Requests complete.