Problem adding a condition


New member
I am attempting to add a condition to my breakfast script that will finish getting my 5 llama lama gongs. I am trying to use the following command:

CLI_execute("conditions add +" + gongsneeded + " llama lama gong");
CLI_execute("adventure * Fantasy Airship");

Today, I needed 3 gongs. When this was executed, I get the following message:

[+3 llama lama gong] has no matches.

I get the same error if I type it directly into the CLI; however, I can type the condition into the Goals box and it works just fine.

Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong?



The +3 does not work from the command line. I agree it's weird, but I'd replace the first line with:

CLI_execute("conditions add +" + to_string(item_amount($[llama lama gong]) + gongsneeded) + " llama lama gong");


Staff member
From the command line, "conditions set 3 llama lama gong" is the equivalent of "+3 llama lama gong" from the GUI.


Staff member
"conditions add 3 llama lama gong" is like "3 llama lama gong" from GUI
"conditions set 3 llama lama gong" is like "+3 llama lama gong" from GUI

The first is total number desired
The second is additional number desired.


New member
I tried typing in "conditions set 3 llama lama gong" into the CLI and it told me that my condition was already met. I then typed in "conditions add 3 llama lama gong" and it entered "+3 llama lama gongs into the goals box.

I think that Veracity switched the add and set commands. It looks like 'set' gives an absolute number and 'add' adds an amount.... but I could be wrong.


New member
np, I appreciate the quick response. Thanks again.

and while I'm thanking people, thanks to you also Bale, you have helped me out many times while helping out others. Thanks.