Bug - Cannot Reproduce Planting mushrooms breaks the breakfast


New member
(Using 14.3 r8759 here)

If I have the checkbox for "plant mushrooms" ticked, after login KoLmafia goes to plant the mushrooms according to the planning I have and then just skips everything else and stops there without any errors or other indication.

When I uncheck the "plant mushrooms" box, then it once again does all breakfasty things as it should.


How do you have your mushroom planting set? To double check, could you try typing "get plantingScript" in the CLI and let us know what, if anything, it shows?


New member
Not entirely sure what information you're asking from me but I'll try to give out what's needed.

It's an 8 day cycle for growing gloomy black mushrooms made with the Script Generator in KoLmafia. "get plantingScript" returns "spookies" which is the name of the layout (the name is a misnomer I know, I changed my mind halfway through when I was making it).


New member
Hmm, this is weird. It did today's planting and breakfast just fine. I'll have to keep an eye on it and see if it keeps working.