Feature - Implemented "outfit" command should retrieve custom outfit pieces


Staff member
This code in the "outfit" command:

		EquipmentManager.retrieveOutfit( intendedOutfit.getOutfitId() );
		RequestThread.postRequest( new EquipmentRequest( intendedOutfit ) );
gets all the pieces of the outfit before equipping it.

It might be nice to check if that succeeded before posting the request, although EquipmentRequest.run() will do that - by, again, calling EquipmentManager.retrieveOutfit() - before executing the request. It will do that only for a "normal" outfit...

... because EquipmentManager.retrieveOutfit() only works for "normal" outfits. That's because we didn't used to know what the pieces are for custom outfits. We now retrieve the Custom Outfit page at log in and keep outfits up to date as you save and delete them. So, we now do know.

I think EquipmentManager.retrieveOutfit() could/should be made to work for any outfit. The "outfit" command and/or EquipmentRequest.run() should make use of this to get all outfit pieces before switching outfit, regardless of whether it is a normal or custom outfit.

I would find this especially useful, now that I am closeting my "expensive" items - including ones which are parts of custom outfits that I use for Basementing, for example.


YAY! this has been one of my biggest problems in my scripts, especially after the PvP revamp, I closet everything valuable...

Thank you Veracity!