Feature - Implemented Once more unto the Peak!


When adventuring at the Mist-Shrouded Peak, it would be awesome if the usual adventure again button actually worked. Neither the CAB button, nor the special mafia button works for that.

Unlike other zones, the adventure again link at the bottom says, "Once more unto the Peak!" so mafia would need to add a feature that is lacking in vanilla KoL.


Active member
Would this change also make autoadventuring at the peak work ('cause it currently doesn't, you still need to do that via visit_url)?


Would this change also make autoadventuring at the peak work ('cause it currently doesn't, you still need to do that via visit_url)?
I'm pretty sure I already added support for auto-adventuring at the Mist-Shrouded Peak. Can you confirm it isn't working?


Active member
It didn't when I tried to re-write BCAscend recently. I'll check again when I'm ready to ascend since I've not passed that part yet.

ETA: It may be that it just doesn't really cooperate with the "discover the way to the peak" adventure I guess. As I said, I'll try it out tomorrow or the day after.
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You can auto-adventure there only when questL08Trapper = step3 and if you have 5 levels of cold resist.


Active member
Right. It now works. You still need one visit_url-call to open the peak up for adventuring (i.e. to set the questmarker to step3). No idea why it didn't work last time I tried.
<end threadjack>

So, it would still be great if the button was made to actually work like everywhere else even though KoL itself doesn't handle it gracefully...