Bug - Fixed New acquire behaviour has issues with impossible creations


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The average amount of meat spent on components (2,147,483,648) for one insanely spicy enchanted bean burrito exceeds autoBuyPriceLimit (10,000)
You need 1 more insanely spicy enchanted bean burrito to continue.
Fairly certain that it doesn't actually cost 2 million meat to get one insanely spicy enchanted bean burrito. The old behaviour was to tell me what item was uncollectable... in this case, I don't have any spices and since I'm still in-run, I can't get any from the mall. But that means that creation is impossible, not that it will cost 2-billion meat.
> debugcreate insanely spicy enchanted bean burrito

- flat dough limited to 2 by wad of dough
- enchanted bean burrito limited to 2 by flat dough
- enchanted bean burrito limited to 1 by enchanted bean
- spicy enchanted bean burrito limited to 1 by enchanted bean burrito
- spicy enchanted bean burrito limited to 0 by spices
- insanely spicy enchanted bean burrito limited to 0 by spicy enchanted bean burrito
insanely spicy enchanted bean burrito.canMake(1) => 0

Edit: This was caused by the 10358 change, since I hadn't actually noted what 'new' behaviour I was referring to. :)
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Active member
Does appear to be working... at least, it tells me what I don't have enough of now. Thanks! :)