Bug Mafia protecting Dance Card from Semirare counter


Active member
> use dance card

(usable quantity of dance card is limited to 0 by existing counter)

> counters

Last semirare found 94 turns ago (on turn 1520) in South of the Border

Unexpired counters:
Semirare window begin (66)
Semirare window end (106)
As far as I'm aware, it should only be protecting me from the Dance card counter, not the unknown semirare counter... this is with 109...something. My build stopped updating the version number at the top for some reason, but it still shows when I build it. Weird. Anyways, think it's actually on build 11000.


Staff member
The check is for a counter with the name "Dance Card" or for any counter with exactly 3 turns remaining, so that doesn't make any sense.

My build stopped updating the version number at the top for some reason
Check KoLConstants.java for REVISION being something besides null, then change it to null. Or just delete it if you haven't made any local changes.


Active member
Thanks, I must have cancelled partway through an update or had bad internet. Looking forwards to proper reporting of version again.

Yeah... didn't think it made sense. Still have some more levelling to do on that character tomorrow before ascending, so I'll see if it's still confused then or if it was just a transitory issue. I worked around it today by just using the relay browser, but it's so much easier to just type 'ballroom' into the gCLI and have it level for me. :)


Active member
Nope, still protecting me from... who knows.
Visit to Manor2: Haunted Ballroom in progress...

[1634] Haunted Ballroom
Encounter: Rotting Matilda
You gain 300 Roguishness
You gain a Moxie point!

(usable quantity of dance card is limited to 0 by existing counter)
(usable quantity of dance card is limited to 0 by existing counter)

KoLmafia declares world peace.

> counters

Last semirare found 121 turns ago (on turn 1520) in South of the Border

Unexpired counters:
Fortune Cookie (59)
No clue... apparently mafia believes there's a mystery counter going on? I can post a huge debug log if you want it, but not sure how useful that would be... let's check on size though.

Edit: Bah, debug log just posts the same gCLI message, no code to trace. 732 bytes counting the header.