How do I tell Mafia a monster is in my locket?

Can anyone help with this?

1. I definitely have a hobelf in my locket.
2. I fought the hobelf in my locket today.
3. the command 'reminisce Hobelf' says 'You do not have a picture of Hobelf in your locket.'

Am I missing something obvious?


Staff member
There are two Hobelfs:

# CRIMBCO WC (Crimbo 2010)
Elf Hobo    1050    elfhobo1.gif,elfhobo2.gif,elfhobo3.gif,elfhobo4.gif,elfhobo5.gif,elfhobo6.gif,elfhobo7.gif,elfhobo8.gif    Atk: 30 Def: 27 HP: 40 Init: 50 P: hobo EA: hot EA: sleaze Manuel: "Hobelf" Wiki: "Hobelf (WC)"    bindlestocking (0)    bottle of rum (15)    bottle of tequila (15)    bottle of whiskey (15)    candy cane (15)    Crimbo candied pecan (15)    Crimbo fudge (15)    Crimbo peppermint bark (15)    eggnog (15)    Mad Train wine (15)    sleeping stocking (0)    Tales of a Kansas Toymaker (0)    The Joy of Wassailing (0)    white lightning (15)    Wint-O-Fresh mint (15)

# Elf Alley (Crimbo 2010)
Hobelf    1031    elfhobo1.gif,elfhobo2.gif,elfhobo3.gif,elfhobo4.gif,elfhobo5.gif,elfhobo6.gif,elfhobo7.gif,elfhobo8.gif    NOCOPY Atk: 350 Def: 315 HP: 500 Init: 100 P: hobo EA: hot EA: sleaze Wiki: "Hobelf (Elf Alley)"    bindlestocking (0)    hobo nickel (c15)    sleeping stocking (0)    Tales of a Kansas Toymaker (0)    The Joy of Wassailing (0)

The first is called "Hobelf" in Monster Manuel and "Hobelf (WC)" in the Wiki, but "Elf Hobo" by KoLmafia.
The second is called "Hobelf" in Monster Manuel and "Hobelf (Elf Alley)" in the Wiki - and also "Hobelf" by KoLmafia.

Perhaps you have "Elf Hobo" in your locket?
That's it—many thanks.

How does one find out things like this—that Hobelf can be either Hobelf or Elf Hobo in KoLmafia? I've tried searching the reference for hobelf and come up with nothing. It seems such a trivial thing to have to pester people on the forum about.


Staff member
That's ... not an easy question.

Consider this:

vegetable gremlin    550    gremlinveg.gif    Atk: 168 Def: 154 HP: 170 Init: 60 Meat: 50 P: humanoid Article: a    gremlin juice (3)
vegetable gremlin (tool)    551    gremlinveg.gif    Atk: 168 Def: 154 HP: 170 Init: 60 Meat: 50 P: humanoid Article: a Manuel: "vegetable gremlin" Wiki: "vegetable gremlin (quest)"    gremlin juice (3)    molybdenum screwdriver (c0)

There are two monsters KoL calls "vegetable gremlin".
One has the molybdenum tool and the other does not.
Manuel calls them the same thing.
Wiki calls them "vegetable gremlin" and "vegetable gremlin (quest)"
KoLmafia calls them "vegetable gremlin" and "vegetable gremlin (tool)"

Now, anybody who ascends knows there are two different creatures. And if they use KoLmafia in the Relay Browser, perhaps they notice that KoLmafia KNOWS (and tells you) which one you encounter in the Junkyard.

But it's the same situation. If you feel it is worth a reminisce to get the "tool" version - you can. The locket will show you both (if you have both) as "vegetable gremlin", but the "reminisce" command will let you specifically ask for "vegetable gremlin (tool)".

Regarding the Hobelfs, well, not obvious how you are expected to know that, for KoLmafia, one is "Hobelf" and one is "Elf Hobo".

I'll think more on this - although others are welcome to chime in. :)
That's fine, thank you. It's not an urgent issue, by any means: I've got my locket script sorted, and I'm aware for the future that I just need to check the monster's name or if it's a possible duplicate if I can't find it.

Thank you for your help. :)


Staff member
I'll think more on this - although others are welcome to chime in. :)
I will admit if I were in the middle of a speedrun, I would be upset if I tried `reminisce vegetable gremlin` and got the one without the tool, even though that's evidently how that would work today. (That said, I have no idea what the value of a reminisce is, or how many fax-clones one gets in the course of a normal speedrun these days, since I haven't ascended in years.)

In that case, I would accept the inconvenience associated with neither monster being named "vegetable gremlin" and instead have to type out "vegetable gremlin (no tool)" (or maybe "decoy") vs "vegetable gremlin (tool)".

That said, sensible defaults would also make sense in the gremlin scenario (although it's less clear what the correct Hobelf default is).

I wonder, how many scripts would break if we renamed "Elf hobo" to "Hobelf (Elf Alley)"?


Staff member
Can we update the reminisce command to accept an int as a monster id?


Staff member
It already does that.

    MonsterData monster =
            ? MonsterDatabase.findMonsterById(Integer.parseInt(parameters))
            : MonsterDatabase.findMonster(parameters, true, false);