Bug - Not A Bug Hodgman's Bow Tie - Incorrect +Meat Modifier


New member
When I equip Bow Tie and Imaginary Hamster, I am getting +25 Meat (1 meat / hobo power), but Modifier Maximizer thinks its +50
(using build KoLmafia-11229.jar)

Full equipment:
Hat: Hodgman's porkpie hat
Back: makeshift cape
Shirt: origami pasties
Weapon: bottle-rocket crossbow
Off-Hand: Hodgman's imaginary hamster
Pants: Hodgman's lobsterskin pants
Accessory 1: incredibly dense meat gem
Accessory 2: Hodgman's lucky sock
Accessory 3: Hodgman's Bow Tie
Familiar: plastic pumpkin bucket
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fwiw, next time if you're not sure, do "modtrace meat drop" in the gcli, and that'll show you exactly why mafia thinks what it thinks.