Help with Proxy Record Information


I've searched these forums for information about proxy records and can find several threads that mention updates and additions, but can't seem to track down the original defining thread (which may well be a figment of my own imagination). I also seached the KoLmafia wiki for "proxy" and came up empty handed. It seems to me that this information should be added to the wiki if it isn't already there. If it is there, please help me find it.


Active member
Basically any field that comes up when you use a "to_something()" function in Mafia can be used as a proxy-field by adding a dot after the thing and then the name of the field. Just as with records.

> ash to_item("awful poetry journal")

Returned: awful poetry journal
plural => awful poetry journals
descid => 713613098
image => blacknotebook.gif
levelreq => 0
fullness => 0
inebriety => 0
spleen => 0
notes =>
combat => false
reusable => true
usable => false
multi => false

> ash to_item("awful poetry journal").plural

Returned: awful poetry journals

Edit: And not, I don't think this is on the wiki...


Active member
I was wondering if it would be best to put it under the "Special Datatypes" since it only works in conjunction with those anyway, but I'm not sure.