Help with fortune cookies?


New member
Kolmafia very nicely tracks fortune cookie numbers. It displays them as intrinsic buffs if you open browser, but is there a way to see them from the Mafia interface itself? I've searched and I can't find them.

Also, I dragged "Internal Database" into the default tabs (thinking that I might find the fortune cookie numbers there) and now I can't get rid of it. I can move it back and forth between startup as window and startup as tabs, but if I drop it anywhere else it just stays where it was. (I'm running Windows Vista on a brand-new machine and haven't learned its quirks yet, maybe this is a Vista thing.)


Type counters in the CLI.

I've confirmed the problem with being unable to remove items from the startup window/tabs lists - looking into it.


Staff member
You select a frame in a list and hit the Delete key. It disappears from that list and appears on the initial list of all frames.


New member
Thanks! Worked beautifully.

I have another problem now, though. The lovely tally it was displaying in browser for bird form of the number of razor talon attacks has vanished. That is, it used to say things like "Form of...Bird! (11/15, 6)" and now it's just "Form of...Bird! (6)". Did typing 'counters' to see the fortune cookie count mess that up? How do I turn it back on?


The Birdform counters don't appear until you've performed a special attack - it wouldn't otherwise know which of the six feathers you're trying to obtain. Does that explain the problem you're seeing?


New member
No, it seems to have completely stopped counting the birdform attacks. I've made a dozen or so roc feathers since then, counting the 15 talon attacks by memory (and doing 16 or 17 as I lose track just to make sure) without any counts being displayed. I really liked that count feature, I'd love it if you could tell me how to get it turned back on. ;)

I *think* that I ended one day's login in bird form and finished it the next day before the talon strike counter stopped working. And I know that I used the "counters" command to check cookie turns. Don't know if either of those has anything to do with it.


Staff member
Preferences -> Browser -> Add buff maintenance links to left side pane. Make sure it's checked. There was a time when I unchecked that because I didn't like the extra space used by the rebuffing arrows, but then I had to recheck it for things like absinthe tracking and deal with the arrows. (Now I use the arrows for increasing buffs so it isn't an issue.)