Help with autoputty


New member
Basically, i have no idea how to script whatsoever.
Everytime i used autoputty, it uses another item with it, and it is understandable i don't like this, because i can end up wasting valuable items.
I can't find anywhereon the interface that could rectify this problem.

Any advice?


The only items that should be considered for automatic use in that case are things that aren't consumed. If it's actually wasting an item, please give an actual example.


New member
Well, it has been using spices, which thanks to your post I now realise is okay, but it's currently using toy mercenary, which, while it is not consumed, has a meat cost. I know it's a very small sum (5-10 meat), but i still don't want to be losing it once a day.

For now I'll just settle for closeting it.


True. The mercenary is using money that in some cases is completely unnecessary expense for an unnecessary attack. That's one of the reasons why I prefer Miniborg Destroy-O-Bots for my re-usable calamity.

Perhaps those mercenaries should be taken off the "safe" list...