Bug Gritty Pirate - incorrect drop rate for keel-haulin' knife


Well-known member

In r12140 the drop rate for the keel-haulin' knife from the Gritty Pirate displays in the relay browser as 100%. This isn't the case. I don't know what the correct drop rate is but it isn't 100%. I just fought the pirate with a +150%% item drop modifier and the knife didn't drop.




Well-known member
I don't know the underpinnings of KoLMafia well enough to say. I do know that somewhere the drop rate of 100% is associated with the item and the monster. Normally when things aren't fully spaded I see a 0% drop rate displayed in the relay browser. I guess I'm asking for whatever the proper course of action, for changing the misleading drop rate, might be.

You are correct that I should have classified this as "New Content" rather than a bug. If someone with the necessary rights would do so it would be much appreciated.

