Get familiar restriction from fam equipment

Given a piece of familiar equipment is there a way I can work out which familiars can equip it?

There's no relevant info in the proxy records of familiars or fam equips.

familiar_equipment(familiar) returns a single item for each familiar, so misses stuff like bugged balaclava or pet rock disguises.

Otherwise the only solution I can find is to take every familiar out of the terrarium and use can_equip(), but that only works for familiars I currently own, and takes a lot of time and server hits.


> ash $item[ amphibious tophat ].string_modifier( "Equips On" ).to_familiar();

Returned: Dancing Frog
combat =>     false
hatchling => perfectly ordinary frog
image => dancfrog.gif
name     =>
charges => 0

EDIT: You can also check whether a familiar item can be used by every familiar:
> ash $item[ ant hoe ].boolean_modifier( "Generic" );

Returned: true
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Sweet thanks. I'd checked a few pieces of specific fam equipment for a modifier like that, but that field was blank, probably because I was checking pretty old ones (100-watt bulb / tasteful black bow tie).

EDIT - oh wait, I think I see - that field is only used for stuff that doesn't show using familiar_equipment()