Feature - Implemented Fuzzy matching could recognize that multiple names can refer to the same item


New member
If you have Lord Spookraven's Spectacles and mafia automatically identifies your wines for you, attempting to "pull dusty merlot" (and all other dusty wines) using the cli results in mafia stating that it has too many matches and displays "dusty merlot" and "dusty bottle of average merlot"


Staff member
The actual name of the item is "dusty bottle of merlot". When you try to pull "dusty merlot", you are depending on KoLmafia'a "fuzzy matching" to figure out that you were typing an abbreviation for the real name of the item. Now that we register the identified name, as well, "dusty merlot" is no longer an unambiguous abbreviation of "dusty bottle of merlot" and KoLmafia tells you that.

It's not obvious to me that that is a bug. In fact, I am quite sure that what I described is NOT a bug.

Now, in this case, we could add a feature to fuzzy matching to recognize that certain items are synonyms of each other and that, in fact, "dusty bottle of merlot" and "dusty bottle of average merlot" refer to the same item, and therefore not see an ambiguity.

Yeah. I'll fix the categorization of this Not A Bug to be a feature and make the title more understandable.


Active member
This also goes for some of the 'bugged' items... the meat stabbing club, I think? It was one of those I was trying to equip where it kept telling me I wasn't exact enough yet on my item naming. :)