Bug - Fixed Fortune Cookie Not Recording


New member
I'm currently in an AoB run, and for the second day in a row Mafia has not recognized my fortune cookie. In the CLI it reads:
You acquire an item: fortune cookie
You spent 40 Meat
You gain 3 Adventures
You gain 1 Fullness
You lose some of an effect: Song of the Glorious Lunch
Unexpected error, debug log printed.

Debug logs for each instance are attached.
View attachment DEBUG_20120701.txt
View attachment DEBUG_20120630.txt
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Staff member
I don't know about the second cookie you ate yesterday, but the cookie from today and the first one from yesterday ran into a condition that only generates an error with Java 7 (according to this, first block with IllegalArgumentException).


Active member
How can I do that? Is it a setting I should set in preferences?

I think lostcalpolydude is just letting anyone who reads this thread know that it's an error that only occurs with Java 7. I don't know if he's suggesting you downgrade to Java 6, but I'm also using Java 7 and I don't see this error message.

Can you confirm what version of Java you're actually using?


Essentially java is telling us that the collection was modified while we were sorting it. I originally added a synchronization block around there to try and stop multiple sort methods from interfering with one another, but it looks like it's not two sort methods - rather, a sort and something else that's not synchronized.

Also, this seemingly only happens with glorious lunch and fortune cookies, for anyone trying to reproduce it.

try r11229?


Active member
try r11229?

I haven't looked into this, but I'm getting a warning from the compiler with this patch.

    [javac] Note: ../kolmafia/lib/net/java/dev/spellcast/utilities/LockableListModel.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
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