Bug - Fixed familiar_weight reporting wrong values after r20540


Staff member
r20540 introduced ghosts, and made some other changes to FamiliarData.java to support their novel stuff regarding experience.

The upshot is that familiars in the terrarium that are equippable show up as weight 0, while equipped familiars are also showing incorrect weights.

I tested this as a TT with Testudinal Teachings, but I have also seen other incorrect weights. One user reports that weight is zero until the familiar is used, then returned to the terrarium

I'm not able to test that the ghost part is working, so I'm going to punt on this to someone else. I may be wrong about FamiliarData.java, but it's probably a good place to start.

Rich (BB code):
My active familiar (exp 79)
> ash return familiar_weight($familiar[gelat])
both  : Changing "gelat" to "Gelatinous Cubeling" would get rid of this message. ()
20.7  : Returned: 8
r20568: Returned: 9

A familiar I don't have...
> ash return familiar_weight($familiar[robortender])
20.7  : Returned: 0
r20568: Returned: 0

A more than two year old familiar 
> ash return familiar_weight($familiar[robogoose])
20.7  : Returned: 0
r20568: Returned: 0

A familiar in my terrarium
> ash return familiar_weight($familiar[topiary skunk])
20.7  : Returned: 1
r20568: Returned: 0

> familiar topiary skunk

Putting Cubert the Gelatinous Cubeling back into terrarium...
Taking Tanald the Topiary Skunk out of terrarium...
Requests complete.

> ash return familiar_weight($familiar[topiary skunk])
20.7  : Returned: 1
r20568: Returned: 2


Staff member
My bad for introducing this! I can look into it


Staff member