Evaluating strings as equations


Oops, you're exceeding its complexity limit - it's designed to handle at most 5 numeric literals per expression, which seemed to be plenty for all known modifier expressions. Fortunately, that can be bumped up without slowing down the normal uses, let me get back to you...


Well-known member
Haha, it wasn't zeros, it was numbers! No wonder it worked when I took them out.

The familiar damage / item damage formulas are working just fine, it's just spell damage that has that amount of complexity to it (so far). And that's with handling the elemental damage part of the calculations in-script, then feeding it to these formulas.

So yeah -- other than this problem, it's very cool and does exactly what I'd hoped it would!


Well-known member
Working splendidly now, thanks! I've been putting together a CCS for physically-resistant monsters, but it seems like a short step from this CCS to a comprehensive, expandable all-monster combat CCS! Thanks to this new function, it is now also safe!