Bug Enchantments of Jurassic Parka modes do not apply in 2CRS, but Mafia thinks they do


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KoLmafia version: r27569

How to reproduce:
1. Have a Jurassic Parka IotM on your account
2. Start a new Two Crazy Random Summer ascension
3. Activate a Spikolodon mode

Normally, Spikolodon mode provides Monster Level equal to 3 times player level, capped at 33. However, in Two Crazy Random Summer path all Jurassic Parka modes do not provide any additional bonuses besides the default ones (and bonuses not tied to the item modifiers - Spit jurassic acid and Launch spikolodon spikes), so you actually do not have the ML bonus. The fact that ML bonus prom Parka does not apply can be checked using a variety of methods (fighting monsters with Manuel to compare actual stats with predicted, checking which monster appears on Oil Peak, checking beeps from ghuol swarms).