Feature Effect hints on clan pool table


New member
I can only ever remember what one of the pool table buffs do (the middle one for MP regen). I know the others have buffs that are useful at times, but I can't remember them. It would help to have hints added to the page on what the buffs will do. or the magnifying glass linking to the buff description pop-up.


It's almost the same answer as for your other feature request, but if you use the Daily Deeds panel in the GUI, you can see the effects of the pool games if you hover your mouse over the buttons.

Again, I guess this is a feature request for the Relay Browser.


Staff member
Yes. Like the choice adventure spoilers or the Island Arena spoilers. The pool table is not a choice adventure, so it would require special code - but neither is the arena. See IslandDecorator.decorateArena()...
I have really enjoyed the hover help in the Daily Deeds for the Clan Pool Table. I long ago memorized +familiar weight, +10MP/turn, +item drop. But I don't remember the specifics of those effects, and can never remember the other effects of each play style. So being able to hover over the buttons, and always getting a full description, has been a really nice convenience for me! I never run without the relay browser; but I rely on the Main Interface more and more!


Staff member
Thanks for pointing out the existing Feature Request that I should merge this into. :)


Theres always the option of a relay override, the below code in clan_viplounge.ash does the job for me:

void main() {
	string [string] fields = form_fields();
	buffer output;
	if (fields["action"]=="pooltable") {
		output.replace_string("value=\"Play Aggressively\"","value=\"Play Aggressively (+50% weapon dmg, +5lb fam weight)\"");
		output.replace_string("value=\"Play Strategically\"","value=\"Play Strategically (+50% spell dmg, +10mp/adv)\"");
		output.replace_string("value=\"Play Stylishly\"","value=\"Play Stylishly (+50% combat init, +10% item)\"");

put clan_viplounge.ash in your relay folder, and make sure you have "Enable user-scripted relay browser overrides" enabled in preferences, under relay browser.


  • clan_viplounge.ash
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