Bug - Fixed Death Rattlin / 5 does not decrement cyrptCrannyEvilness


Staff member
Choosing Option 5 in choiceAdventure523 does not correctly decrement cyrptCrannyEvilness by 11.

[262] The Defiled Cranny
Preference lastEncounter changed from Adjust your Parka to Death Rattlin'
Encounter: Death Rattlin'
In choiceAdventure523
Submitting option 5 for choice 523
Preference candyCaneSwordDefiledCranny changed from false to true
You gain 55 Beefiness
You gain a Muscle point!
You gain 50 Wizardliness
You gain 50 Sarcasm
You gain a Moxie point!

Visit to Cyrpt: The Defiled Cranny in progress...

[263] The Defiled Cranny
Preference lastEncounter changed from Death Rattlin' to huge ghuol
Encounter: huge ghuol
Preference _lastCombatStarted changed from 20240321134633 to 20240321134645
Round 0: ckb1 wins initiative!
Round 1: (You gain 1 research point)
Preference wereProfessorResearchPoints changed from 53 to 54
Preference _currentDartboard changed from 7513:...wing?,7514:torso,7515:leg,7516:arm,7517:butt,7518:head to 7513:arm,7514:tail,7515:torso,7516:head,7517:leg,7518:butt
Round 1: ckb1 executes a macro!
Round 1: ckb1 casts ADVANCED RESEARCH!
Round 2: (You gain 10 research points)
Preference wereProfessorResearchPoints changed from 54 to 64
Preference wereProfessorAdvancedResearch changed from 1,69,74,152,153,154,155,160,161,165,166,167,175,199,200,201,202,342,388,389,390,393,394,395,400,405,415,416,418,444,448,449,568,950,951,952,1430,1545,1576 to 1,69,74,152,153,154,155,160,161,165,166,167,175,191,199,200,201,202,342,388,389,390,393,394,395,400,405,415,416,418,444,448,449,568,950,951,952,1430,1545,1576
Round 2: ckb1 uses the beehive!
Round 3: huge ghuol takes 8 damage.
Round 3: huge ghuol takes 9 damage.
Round 3: huge ghuol takes 8 damage.
Round 3: ckb1 casts DARTS: THROW AT %PART6!
Round 4: huge ghuol takes 569 damage.
Round 4: ckb1 wins the fight!
After Battle: As the last breath (which, in case you were wondering, was foul-smelling and went on for a really long time) escapes the huge ghuol, your Evilometer beeps once, very loudly.
Preference cyrptCrannyEvilness changed from 24 to 0
Preference cyrptTotalEvilness changed from 97 to 73
After Battle: ck-Bureau jiggles and blinks, more of a mockery than mimicry of dancing and winking.
You gain 758 Meat
After Battle: ck-Bureau kinda dances and kinda winks.
You acquire an item: ghuol egg
You acquire an item: ghuol ears
After Battle: You gain 31 Beefiness
After Battle: You gain 25 Wizardliness
You gain a Mysticality point!
After Battle: You gain 22 Smarm
After Battle: You gain 1 Wizardliness
Preference dartsThrown changed from 139 to 140
Preference familiarSweat changed from 33 to 36