Feature Comma Chameleon and daily drops


I do not actually have a Kloop, but I use my Comma Chameleon as one. When it is actively a Kloop, it does not indicate, above the familiar, how many drops I've had as a Kloop. This is a request for any Comma to have the "x/5" or "x/7 paste" or whatever limitations listed if the Comma is a particular familiar; I would love to see a Kloop Comma list x/5 Folios above it as if it were the "real thing".

Thank you kindly,


Staff member
I just freed the king and will look at this. We have code for detecting when a doppelshifter emulates a familiar in combat and becomes your "effective familiar" - which will cause the familiar annotations to show up, but I don't think we have code to detect when a comma chameleon shifts when you feed it equipment.


Staff member
Equipping spruce juice:



[name] equips an item: spruce juice

charpane says:

[name], the 11 pound Bloovian Groose, Chameleon

api.php says:


No familiar equipment.

So, yet another thing (like "extremely well fed") that we can only glean from the charpane upon login, or from the url when you feed the familiar.


Staff member
It gets worse. If you have the compact charpane, it does not tell you what your familiar is emulating. Nor does it tell you in the terrarium. Wow.

Hmm. on the CharSheet, I see:

[name], the 11-pound Bloovian Groose, Chameleon (0 experience, 0 kills)

When I put the comma chameleon back in the terrarium, it says:

[name], the 1-pound Comma Chameleon (0 exp, 0 kills)

When I take her out, it says:

You take [name] with you.

Looks like we will be depending on the char sheet for figuring out what it is emulating. Sigh.


Considering that the chameleon's consumption message is entirely different based on the familiar equipment, it lasts for a random period from 40-49 adventures and there are also custom messages for the equipment wearing off... Considering there isn't even an indication on the charpane for emulation...

Perhaps this feature request is a little too much? It seems excessive to have to hit up the character sheet after every adventure, or even the adventures after the 40th. Unless you can think of a way to figure this out without those extra server hits?


Staff member
I'm not rushing into this without a lot of further thought. I'm thinking of making a feature request of KoL itself.

Feeding it familiar equipment: we don't care about the unique message. We can tell that we are feeding a Comma Chameleon, can tell exactly which familiar the equipment is unique to and deduce from that what it will emulate. It's the "log in while emulating" and "emulation wears off" that is the problem.

I think the ideal solution would be for it to change its icon - just like the Doppelshifter - into whatever it is emulating, and back, when it is not emulating anything. Or, perhaps, have hover text over the icon with the race of the familiar. With either of those, we can pick it out of the charpane, normal or compact, which is already frequently refreshed.

So, yeah - this is going on hold until KoL makes it easier, and I am continuing to think about what will make it sufficiently easier.