Bug Cleeshing in the sewer and sewer explorations


Probably not a big deal, but it looks like Mafia's count of sewer explorations counts killing of cleeshed monsters in the sewers as sewer explorations, though they don't actually count. Perhaps change to only count chums, chieftains, gators and goldfish combats ?

Not done a huge amount of checking, but when I got through, on a Hamster run, after 31 cleeshes and a number of grates, I had 143 sewer explorations according to Mafia.


Active member
Do we now have anything special set up for checking if monsters killed in the Wossname battlefields are expected in the zone? If so, would that make sense applied to the sewers?


Do we now have anything special set up for checking if monsters killed in the Wossname battlefields are expected in the zone? If so, would that make sense applied to the sewers?

No such checking. It's not needed since the after-battle text tells you how many soldiers are killed. If there's an odd monster, the after-battle text isn't there so mafia won't advance the kill count. It's foolproof, but not for the reason you were expecting.

Well, it is fool-proof as long as the character isn't wearing something stupid like a staff of homophones or a Papier-mâché weapon.


Active member
I seem to recall Cleeshing turning 'normal' bonus combat into a single kill into the Battlefield, and using that to get a Wossname when I'd messed it up. But that doesn't really help us. Except... anecdotal cleeshings!