ChoiceAdventures when adventuring in ash with visit_url()


How do I have mafia automatically handle a choice adventure when adventuring with visit_url()? I can handle combats by calling run_combat(), but it doesn't seem to handle choice adventures and I can't find anything with ashref that looks like it's what I want at first glance.

Also is there a way to open up the minibrowser in the event I want to abort out of the current adventure?


Yeah that's probably what I want. I had to change the return type and page_text type to string instead of buffer to get mafia to not error out on it though.


Unless something changed that I didn't notice, mafia will implicitly convert a buffer to a string if you attempt to put a buffer in a string variable. May not work the other way around though, never tried. In any case, it's probably better to keep your page texts in a buffer than a string.