Bug - Fixed Cannot refresh status when last zone is drunken stupor

I recently drunkenly fought an embezzler, because that's just how my turns lined themselves up, and now mafia constantly finds itself locked in dire conflict with api.php. I get massively long error messages starting with
api.php?what=status parse error: JSONObject["container"] is not a string.
, and looking through my api.php, I believe the blame should lie with this:

{"id":"23","name":"Drunken Stupor","link":"adventure.php?snarfblat=23","container":null}

Katarn has postulated that this is related to fixing the new path's interactions with Ed, Profchains, and other zoneless areas.


Staff member
No, this is to do with @fronobulax's much-needed update of the JSON library we use. Fixed in r20855 (untested)