Bug - Fixed Buying things from the Relay Browser only partially updates KoLmafia

Okay, how to describe this?

Let's say I execute the following 4 gCLI commands:

> buy 3 sleazy hi mein
> buy 5 Mae West
> buy 1 stinky mushroom wine
> buy 5 prismatic wad

Based on current Mall prices as of this posting, that cost me 81,525 Meat...which is deducted from both KoLmafia's Meat total and the Session Results pane, where Meat Gained now reads -81,525, as it should.

However, if I then open the relay browser and buy something else, say... 302 disassembled clovers from the Mall, KoLmafia updates my Meat total to reflect the 365,118 Meat I just spent, but does NOT update the Meat Gained in the Session Results pane.

Note: This is a darn-near accurate description of what I did today, actually :eek:

EDIT: Should probably specify some more details. I'm running KoLmafia 14.4 r9094, on Mac OS X 10.6.6 with Firefox 4.0 b11 as the relay browser.
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