Boxing Daycare assistance needed.

A patch file is a way of sharing changes between people who build KoLmafia from the source. That isn't you :-) What should happen is someone who is comfortable writing Java and has an account at GitHub should look at the patch and either declare it has already been incorporated into KoLmafia or make a PR which would eventually get it part of KoLmafia. That might eventually be me except I am trying to "finish" the Sot's parcel first.
I haven't tested it directly, but this script should do what you need:
if (get_property("_daycareRecruits").to_int() < 3 && my_meat() >= 11100) {
    while (get_property("_daycareRecruits").to_int() < 3) {
What should happen is someone who is comfortable writing Java and has an account at GitHub should look at the patch and either declare it has already been incorporated into KoLmafia or make a PR which would eventually get it part of KoLmafia.
19128 updates the recruit count when visiting the choice. I went with String length over log10 because it should be slightly more efficient for the same result.
lost adapted and commited the patch four years ago.
I haven't tested it directly, but this script should do what you need:
if (get_property("_daycareRecruits").to_int() < 3 && my_meat() >= 11100) {
    while (get_property("_daycareRecruits").to_int() < 3) {
This worked perfectly and cumulatively saved me at least a half hour of real world time. Please let me know how I can compensate you!