Bounty Collected and 250 Turns Burned


6899 just wasted 250 turns AFTER it collected a bounty.

From the session log.

visit Bounty Hunter Hunter

accept bounty assignment to collect 3 triffid barks

17 turns later...

visit Bounty Hunter Hunter
You acquire an item: filthy lucre

And then Mafia proceeds to just keep on burning turns in the forest, rather than stopping like it has a million times in the past.

This happened to anyone else?
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I'd bet you forgot to check the goal box. If you don't check that box, it won't stop.


I thought about that and was 99.843521111% sure I did check it.

However, it is *the* logical guess and I will try it again after rollover.

I am hugely pissed though because I had something much more gainful planned for those 250 turns than abusing my primate out in the Forest.


Anyhow, I am sure that is what it was.


Just to mention, there's a relatively easy way to find out if you checked the box that day. Check your session log to see if you set the goal condition.