Bug - Won't Fix Black Market Map button does not requip familiar equipment

I managed to catch it this time before the log got too large or too far past the event. I have the Mayflower Bouquet equipped and locked for all my familiars. After the blackbird is created and used (listed below), the old familiar comes back, but it neither re-equips the equipment or autolocks it again. I know this is because the oddness of the familiar, and possible protection against equipment lost. Is this something that can be fixed, or do I just need to pay attention every time? TIA

Verifying ingredients for reassembled blackbird (1)...
Creating reassembled blackbird (1)...
You acquire an item: reassembled blackbird
Successfully created reassembled blackbird (1)
Using 1 reassembled blackbird...
Finished using 1 reassembled blackbird.
Putting ZeZe Nyor the Hovering Sombrero back into terrarium...
Taking Mrs. Mister the Reassembled Blackbird out of terrarium...
Taking ZeZe Nyor the Hovering Sombrero out of terrarium...
Adjusting familiar weight by -5 pounds
Requests complete.


New member
I ran into this today. The log says:

Combine 1 broken wings + 1 sunken eyes
You acquire an item: reassembled blackbird

use 1 reassembled blackbird

familiar Reassembled Blackbird (21 lbs)

Unequip Purse Rat

Equip Reassembled Blackbird with wax lips

use 1 black market map

familiar Purse Rat (39 lbs)

Unequip (none)

Equip Purse Rat with wax lips

But the wax lips were not re-equipped. There's also no reason it should try to unequip the (locked) equipment from the inactive familiar or equip anything on the blackbird.


Isn't the familiar item locking a KoL feature? If you loose your current familiar and the locked item isn't re-equipped on your next familiar, Mafia should realize that KoL considers that the item is now "unlocked" instead of locked.


Staff member
Anyone care to test this out again, now that you don't lose your blackbird? I'll bet that the locked equipment migrates back to the original familiar just as with any other familiar switch.


I certainly won't try that out until at least May since Boris doesn't need any familiars. :)


Staff member
You know, I'm going to assume this is no longer an issue: KoLmafia knows when a familiar item is locked, KoL should deal with locked familiar items as usual when switching too and from the blackbird, and KoLmafia need not do anything special when the familiar disappears since it no longer disappears.

I'm just going to mark this Won't Fix.

If somebody can reproduce this issue, they can reopen it. :)