Bug - Cannot Reproduce Battlefield counter sometimes decremented by an invalid amount


Staff member
I saw this happening at the end of my last run:
[580] The Battlefield (Frat Uniform)
Encounter: Green Ops Soldier
32 hippies defeated; 570 down, 430 left.

[581] The Battlefield (Frat Uniform)
Encounter: War Hippy Green Gourmet
32 hippies defeated; 587 down, 413 left.

(trimmed for emphasis)

I have no idea if this is even reproducible -- the counter worked just fine for the rest of the run. I have no idea which Mafia revision I was using (aside from it being fairly recent -- I'd guess r12991).

My guess is that I somehow did something in between turns to confuse Mafia's counter, but the only thing I think I would have done would be look at the Island. I was playing mostly through the relay browser but occasionally entering commands into the CLI and using Modifier Maximizer / Item Manager (although I don't think I did any of that).


I would deduce that the battlefield got out of sync somehow. When you visited the island in the relay browser it may have noticed that it was actually on image 19 and downgraded the kill count. I guess.


Staff member
At the end of the war, Mafia reported that I was done, one kill early (if I Frat-5'd properly, then there were 8 hippies left at that point).


I don't know what you want us to do with this bug report. I'm going to close it as not reproducible, will reopen if someone else can provide some steps.


Staff member
Let's see if I'm following the code correctly.

If we visit bigisland.php, (because of some lines in request.GenericRequest) session.QuestManager.handleQuestChange() will unconditionally invoke webui.IslandDecorator.parseBigIsland(), which in turn will unconditionally invoke webui.IslandDecorator.parseBattlefield().

In order for the update in question to happen, Mafia would need to have seen the image corresponding to the range 506-555, i.e. image #22, from a visit to bigisland.php in between those two turns. I'm not sure how that would have happened, short of the numbering being off somehow (but the numbers in webui.IslandDecorator.IMAGES match with what's on the wiki, and there's no silliness like image #13 missing).


Staff member
The kill tracking for you must have been off, if it could be changed from 570 (a value you should never have with frat5 to begin with) to 555 and still think you were finished before you were actually finished. That means the actual problem happened before the bit you posted.


Staff member
32 hippies defeated; 570 down, 430 left.
I remember when I added that info to the session log, rather than just decorating the fight page. Given that, it is within your power to look at your session log, find every single hippy defeated, and see precisely how the was was tracked, kill by kill.

As lost points out, the problem was not in the log that you posted. It happened earlier.

Let's see every line that says "X hipp(ies|y) defeated". Let's see what went wrong.


Staff member
8 hippies defeated; 8 down, 992 left.
8 hippies defeated; 16 down, 984 left.
8 hippies defeated; 24 down, 976 left.
8 hippies defeated; 32 down, 968 left.
8 hippies defeated; 40 down, 960 left.
8 hippies defeated; 48 down, 952 left.
8 hippies defeated; 56 down, 944 left.
8 hippies defeated; 64 down, 936 left.
16 hippies defeated; 80 down, 920 left.
16 hippies defeated; 96 down, 904 left.
16 hippies defeated; 112 down, 888 left.
16 hippies defeated; 128 down, 872 left.
16 hippies defeated; 144 down, 856 left.
16 hippies defeated; 160 down, 840 left.
16 hippies defeated; 176 down, 824 left.
16 hippies defeated; 192 down, 808 left.
32 hippies defeated; 224 down, 776 left.
32 hippies defeated; 256 down, 744 left.
32 hippies defeated; 288 down, 712 left.
32 hippies defeated; 320 down, 680 left.
32 hippies defeated; 352 down, 648 left.
32 hippies defeated; 384 down, 616 left.
32 hippies defeated; 416 down, 584 left.
32 hippies defeated; 448 down, 552 left.
32 hippies defeated; 480 down, 520 left.
[B]32 hippies defeated; 538 down, 462 left.[/B]
32 hippies defeated; 570 down, 430 left.
32 hippies defeated; 587 down, 413 left.
32 hippies defeated; 619 down, 381 left.
32 hippies defeated; 651 down, 349 left.
32 hippies defeated; 683 down, 317 left.
32 hippies defeated; 715 down, 285 left.
32 hippies defeated; 747 down, 253 left.
32 hippies defeated; 779 down, 221 left.
32 hippies defeated; 811 down, 189 left.
32 hippies defeated; 843 down, 157 left.
32 hippies defeated; 875 down, 125 left.
32 hippies defeated; 907 down, 93 left.
32 hippies defeated; 939 down, 61 left.
32 hippies defeated; 971 down, 29 left.
29 hippies defeated; 1000 down, 0 left.
2 hippies defeated; 1000 down, 0 left.

Hmm, I guess it was
[578] The Battlefield (Frat Uniform)
Encounter: War Hippy Elite Rigger
Round 0: heeheehee wins initiative!
Round 1: heeheehee casts ENTANGLING NOODLES!
Round 2: heeheehee casts CANNELLONI CANNON!
Round 3: war hippy elite rigger takes 94 damage.
Round 3: heeheehee casts CANNELLONI CANNON!
Round 4: war hippy elite rigger takes 104 damage.
You lose 16 hit points
Round 4: heeheehee casts CANNELLONI CANNON!
Round 5: war hippy elite rigger takes 102 damage.
You lose 16 hit points
Round 5: heeheehee casts CANNELLONI CANNON!
Round 6: war hippy elite rigger takes 106 damage.
Round 6: heeheehee wins the fight!
You gain 5 hit points
You gain 3 Mana Points
After Battle: Ain't nothin' like you does a couple of karate moves, then swivels his hips and gyrates his pelvis.
You acquire an item: water pipe bomb
You gain 15 Strongness
You gain 49 Enchantedness
You gain 17 Smarm
32 hippies defeated; 480 down, 520 left.
The Farm is now accessible in this uniform!

[579] The Battlefield (Frat Uniform)
Encounter: Mobile Armored Sweat Lodge
Round 0: heeheehee wins initiative!
Round 1: heeheehee casts ENTANGLING NOODLES!
Round 2: heeheehee casts CANNELLONI CANNON!
Round 3: mobile armored sweat lodge takes 94 damage.
Round 3: heeheehee casts CANNELLONI CANNON!
Round 4: mobile armored sweat lodge takes 100 damage.
You lose 16 hit points
Round 4: heeheehee casts CANNELLONI CANNON!
Round 5: mobile armored sweat lodge takes 108 damage.
You lose 14 hit points
Round 5: heeheehee casts CANNELLONI CANNON!
Round 6: mobile armored sweat lodge takes 164 damage.
Round 6: heeheehee wins the fight!
You gain 5 hit points
You gain 3 Mana Points
After Battle: Ain't nothin' like you does a couple of karate moves, then swivels his hips and gyrates his pelvis.
You acquire an item: didgeridooka
You acquire an item: gas balloon
You gain 23 Strengthliness
You gain a Muscle point!
You gain 35 Wizardliness
You gain a Mysticality point!
You gain 22 Cheek
32 hippies defeated; 538 down, 462 left.
in that case.

(unabridged section of the log, in case I did something weird around then)

edit: this seems consistent with Mafia seeing image 22 and fast-forwarding the kills counter to 506.
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