New Content - Implemented Artistic Goth Kid


Staff member
I thought I had this mostly done, but then I discovered that there are a bunch of different monsters the goth kid can have you fight. In order to properly track _hipsterAdv, all 22 monster names need to be added to mafia. The connection should be phylum of previous fight => monster name.

My data point so far is
humanoid => Black Crayon Man
beast => Black Crayon Beast

Edit: It looks like all of the monster names start with Black Crayon, so I can probably just check for that.

Also needed still is the hatrack/scarecrow/crown information for the hat/pants/familiar.
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Staff member
It might be nice to count how many PVP fites the familiar has given you. Unlike the the Wild Hare, this is not an extra fite available at rollover. It is available immediately. It might be interesting for spading purposes to count how many you've gotten over the course of the day. There's a special message - which I've only seen once and, alas, did not save. Fortunately, it does appear in my session log. Yea for our fight.php parser!

[1412] Hamburglaris Shield Generator
Encounter: mutated alielf
Round 0: Veracity wins initiative!
Round 1: Veracity uses the divine blowout!
Round 2: mutated alielf takes 2433 damage.
You gain 26 Cheek
Round 2: Veracity wins the fight!
You acquire an item: lunar isotope
You acquire an item: lunar isotope
After Battle: Joey 'Raven' Cryptknife draws an adorable chibi version of your opponent. It comes to life and does an adorable little dance, which makes both of you smile.
You gain 151 Muscleboundness
You gain a Muscle point!
You gain 156 Enchantedness
You gain a Mysticality point!
You gain 341 Sarcasm
You gain a Moxie point!
After Battle: Joey 'Raven' Cryptknife draws a picture of APM celebrating your defeat. You grind your teeth and resolve to fight harder and more often.
You gain 1 PvP Fight

APM had attacked and beaten me today, in Hardcore. I bought the familiar and ran with it after I freed the king. I was power leveling at the Shield Generator, taking the fast track to my Hodgeman gear, when I got that message. And my next battle was a Black Crayon Horrible Monstrosity, or something...


Staff member
I suppose mafia's value for remaining pvp fights should be updated when that message shows up too. And eventually food/booze/spleen can do that too, but that's a separate project.

I can see how it would be an interesting number (which is good enough to add it), but I don't think there's much spading to do. Kill 20 monsters with the equipment on, get a pvp fight. Without the equipment, kill 30 for a pvp fight. It might be interesting to track how many fights you've done toward the next free fight, in the same way that it would be interesting to track that for the hare and gibberer. Though the gibberer seemed to act strangely when fighting in the sea.


Staff member
Kill 20 monsters with the equipment on, get a pvp fight. Without the equipment, kill 30 for a pvp fight.
That simple, eh? Huh. I had been wondering why I'd not seen any extra PVP fites before this one. Hmm. 25 turns in the basement - mostly non-fights, not adventure.php - via autoBasement (which called the maximizer which decided that a sugar shield was better than my familiar's specific equipment, and left a sugar shield on it. Grr!), turns on the (already open) volcanic island to finish off my Nemesis, probably 50 clover adventures in the Ballroom - all non-combats, obviously - before I decided that I really wanted to power-level ALL my stats and switched to the Shield Generator and FINALLY got the first extra PVP fite from the familiar.

I'll probably do a full day's worth of leveling there, tomorrow, and will be happier.
Is there a property for _crayonShavings since that would count the goth kid battles per day regardless of the monster fought? That would also allow tracking hipster and goth kid separately, because, even though they share the same counter, both have slightly different optimal uses and people with both might be interested in knowing the number of each instead of the combined total of the two.


Staff member
There's always the number of Black Crayon monsters in Encounter Listings. I don't see how knowing the number of free fights you got from one versus the other is at all useful.
OK, that's cool. It was just a suggestion. I see my hipster counter in daily deeds counting today (r11070), so woot.


The crayon monsters can be copied; fighting the copies doesn't add to the fight counter.

The wiki has a list of all the monsters, which appear to all have the phylum of the monster they follow.
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Staff member
The crayon monsters can be copied; fighting the copies doesn't add to the fight counter.
It isn't supposed to add to the counter.

The wiki has a list of all the monsters, which appear to all have the phylum of the monster they follow.
Thanks. I found a way of doing it that doesn't require a huge list, which seems a lot better.


Staff member
Did you use putty or something to copy one, and then fire a badly romantic arrow at the copy? I don't think that case is covered, and I think arrowing any of the hipster monsters would lead to the same issue.


Staff member
There's only one place where _hipsterAdv is changed, and it checks KoLmafia.ignoreSemirare, which is set to true by using putty/rain-doh. Maybe someone else will have an idea about how that can happen.


Staff member
When I first saw this familiar, for some reason, I read it as "Autistic Goth Kid" and it took a while for me to "get" what was going on. Unfortunately, my brain still jumps to that word first and has to adjust.


Can the wax bugbear copies that come from crayon shavings need to be flagged the same as putty monsters/black box monsters/shaking 4-d cameras?
Using the wax bugbear from the "recent items" area at bottom of the page after defeating the monster doesn't reload the relay browser. Also, it doesn't run your mood or check for semi-rares.
I'm so used to mafia handling my semi-rares well I didn't notice mine pass till it was too late.


Staff member
Apparently GenericRequest.processResults() calls AdventureRequest.registerEncounter() right before calling FightRequest.updateCombatData() (the latter is where KoLmafia.ignoreSemirare is checked for things that aren't actually a semi-rare). AdventureRequest.registerEncounter() calls KoLmafia.registerEncounter(), which calls KoLmafia.recognizeEncounter(), which has
KoLmafia.ignoreSemirare = false;

All of that seems to have been true back when 8623 first had FightRequest start using KoLmafia.ignoreSemirare. I don't know whether that check never worked (and was never noticed because most of those monsters can't be copied anyway, and the rest of them usually aren't worth copying) or if some refactoring somewhere that I'm not finding broke it along the way.

I was about to comment that when I copy Four-shadowed mimes I'm not getting a Holiday Monster counter, but there's an extra space there that would lead to it never being created anyway I think (I just changed that locally so I can test it tomorrow).
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Staff member
Fixing the space for four-shadowed mime led to those counters being created. 11021 fixes the issue with monster copies counting for stuff when they should not.


Staff member
It looks like we still need hatrack and scarecrow modifiers. And now that the method for handing out fights has changed, we should probably track how many fights it has given so far today. Also, while I've fixed the issue of copied monsters adding to counters, that code could really use some cleaning up (probably taking advantage of the fact that ignoreSemirare can only become true when you go into combat in the first place). (Summarizing what's still needed so I know why I haven't marked this Implemented.)