Feature - Implemented Additional distention pill support


Staff member
They are usable once per day to, effectively, gain one more fullness. (The effect is not cleared at rollover. Does that mean that if you wait until the next day, you can use the effect and then use another one that day? Or is it really the case that you can only use the distended effect once a day, not use one pill a day? We have a _distentionPillUsed property, so I assume it is the latter.) We currently detect when your stomach is distended and when it shrinks.

I would like to see two more things to support this:

- On the Food panel, add a "distend" button which is enabled if you are able to use a pill today and have one available (just like we have "dog hair" on the Booze panel)
- I think that KoLCharacter.getFullnessLimit() should take distentionPillActive into account. This would eliminate special code in EatItemRequest to adjust available stomach space depending on the pill, would let ASH programs use fullness_limit() - my_fullness() to decide how much stomach space is available without checking the property, and would give you a visual indication on the sidepane of how much stomach space you have left.


I believe you can use one pill a day, and the effect persists through rollover (hence the extra pref, distentionPillActive, which does not reset at rollover). Thus you can leave one active over rollover and use the effect twice in a day. I.. actually don't know what happens if you use a pill on the following day with the effect still active. I'd hazard a guess that you successfully use the pill and nothing of note changes.

I like your other two suggestions.