Bug - Not A Bug Add 10% bonus from pan handling with saucepan to maximizer

If you have expert pan handling, the 10% and 20% bonuses display and are tracked properly (without vs with a saucepan equipped) this is as expected.

Requesting that the maximizer track this 10% difference if you have expert pan handling and suggest a sauce pan if the 10% bonus is bigger then what your weapon could give.

Current result, it recommends a bar whip for 2 lbs, less then 10%.


Staff member
That's because the effect goes from 10% to 15%, for +5% meat drops, and the bar whip almost certainly gives more than +5% meat.
And the maximizer includes the +5% meat drops in its considerations. It has recommended I put the saucepan in my main hand in many HCNP runs before.