bumcheekascend.ash - Relay Script


Active member
bumcheekcity's Settings Manager - bumSeMan.ash!

This is the relay script for bumcheekcity's settings manager (bumSeMan). The intention is that this script will manage options for all my scripts, including bUMRATS and the ascensions script, as well as provide a nice way of seeing mafia internal options and eventually, other scriptwriters scripts.

Please do not post in this thread. It will not be checked regularly. Instead, you should post in the thread of the script you're trying to change the settings for


How do I use this?
  • Download this script to your /relay/ directory - NOT your /scripts/ directory!
  • Then, close down and re-open the relay browser
  • Select the script from the drop-down at the right of the topmenu. Change settings from there.

0.2 - Changed name, new original implementation.
0.1 - Original Version. Fairly Simple.

UPDATE 20/02/2011 - Download files from the SourceForge page instead - this does not require registration!
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The relay script appears to version checking the wrong script. The output in the CLI is:
There is a new version available - go download the next     version of bumcheekascend.ash at http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?t=4963!

But this thread is 5470 (and also there appears to only be one version)...
Yes, I noticed that. But I have the latest version of that and it informs me that itself is out of date and then directs me to the ascend-thread which is obviously not right. It is quite useless to check for the version of one script from a second one when the first one isn't updated in time with the second one.
One solution would be to set the script version of the ascension script as a global variable and import it, but then you'd need to stop including the version in the script name. ;)
It shouldn't be doing that at all. There's no reason for the relay script to check the ascension script. They're separate.
Well, it starts up by doing this (line 10-12):
if (index_of(visit_url("http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?t=4963"), "0.12</b>") == -1) {
	print("There is a new version available - go download the next version of bumcheekascend.ash at http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?t=4963!", "red");

Which is the same as what is in the "normal" script. My guess is a copy-paste error or similar :)
I'm as new to this script business as can be, so this question may be worthy of ridicule.

I open up KolMafia, attempt to run the ascension script, and the program informs me to download the relay script located here. I do so, putting it in the relay folder," but I notice no drop down menu in which to change settings on the "frat / hippy" part of the war. I have closed and re-opened mafia, but any attempt to open the ascension script or the script located on this page keeps telling me the same message. I am either not seeing the drop down menu mentioned in the original post here or I am doing it all wrong. Would anyone care to walk me through it?
I'm as new to this script business as can be, so this question may be worthy of ridicule.

I open up KolMafia, attempt to run the ascension script, and the program informs me to download the relay script located here. I do so, putting it in the relay folder," but I notice no drop down menu in which to change settings on the "frat / hippy" part of the war. I have closed and re-opened mafia, but any attempt to open the ascension script or the script located on this page keeps telling me the same message. I am either not seeing the drop down menu mentioned in the original post here or I am doing it all wrong. Would anyone care to walk me through it?

When you have the relay file in the relay folder, go to Mafia, click the Load in Web Browserbutton (2nd to the Left on the big row of buttons. At least for me) and then on the top frame with all the quick-links there is a dropdown saying something like -run script-. There you should find something about bumcheekascend. Click that.

The 2nd variable from the top is: bcasc_doWarAs with the instruction to type into the textbox. "The string either frat or hippy."
I have no idea why that happened, but I can help you in some way. These are the settings that the scritp tries to set. You can do so yourself by using "set <settingname> = <value>" in the CLI.


Also, attached is my data-file. It may be that the script failed to download it and that could lead to that problem I guess. Put it in your datafolder and try again.
> It may be that the script failed to download it and that could lead to that problem I guess. Put it in your datafolder and try again.
Thanks. It works now
So Ive been toying with the idea of doing a familiarless run. As such, can I set 100% familiar to 'none' and it make sure I don't have a familiar where it would matter?
Nope. 100% familiar set to none means don't force a familiar. You might be able to do this by forcing a familiar you don't have, but none means that you're not doing a 100% run...
pretty sure I filled in all the blanks, but I still get the error -

To remove this notice and be able to use the script, please set the option in the relay script(which you can find on the kolmafia.us forum thread for this script).

I believe I filled in the blanks, tried "hippy" and "frat" in the second blank and still get the same response.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

Xarethe - esos
Can you type:

get bcasc_doWarAs

into your CLI? Also, when you open the relay browser and save some changes (if you could do that again, after the above), what gets printed to the CLI?