Version 13.9


Staff member
The following is an abbreviated version of the Subversion commit message logs. Please keep in mind that these messages are intended for other developers and they take the files which were modified into context in order to limit the amount of verbage. In general, they are not intended for general audiences and should not be treated as "official" documentation -- they are informal and abbreviated, at best.

If you do not understand what something says, try looking at the full version of the revision by following the accompanying link for the revision. The only difference is that the files which were modified will be listed, and sometimes, you can guess what happened from file names (though not always). If you still have no idea what happened, that's okay -- it probably doesn't relate to what you're doing with KoLmafia. ^_~

Furthermore, not everything marked as "fixed" is guaranteed to be fixed, not all changes are guaranteed to have a change. This is due the fact that both time and turns are finite and only a limited number of things can be tested. Some changes go in untested, assuming they would work, when they actually don't due to erroneous assumptions; alpha testers occasionally will be able to give feedback, but it's not always possible.

For example, if you read the revision logs for what changed between 10.2 and 10.3, the plus sign choice adventure was meant to get a use link. Something as seemingly insignificant as KoL using two spaces instead of one space in the sentence "It's actually a book. Read it." would mean the change didn't actually work -- anyone can verify that, in fact, the change didn't work for this very reason. If you ever encounter something like that, a non-accusatory mention of it (non-accusatory meaning anything that neither implies "ZOMG FALSE ADVERTISING" nor "You guys said this was fixed, but...") somewhere will usually result in the problem getting addressed.

Finally, if you've got a bug to report, make sure you read up on how to post a detailed bug report. While the rules outlined apply specifically to bugs related to scripting, many of them are applicable to KoLmafia bug reports in general. Most importantly, I hate the words "annoying" and "frustrating". Never use them when describing a bug/feature. Ever. Thanks. The abridged revision logs follow.

Revision: 7952
Experimental feature: when you use a chef-in-the-box or a bartender-in-the-box,
set chefTurnsUsed or bartenderTurnsUsed to 0. When ever you cook or mix and
have a box servant, increment the appropriate counter by the number of items
created. When it blows up, do nothing; you can still look at the variable to
see how many turns it lasted.

Revision: 7953
Add a few shield powers. Shore counter is purely informational.

Revision: 7954
Dinghy image for shore counter takes you to The Shore

Revision: 7955
Rename StyxPixieRequest to HeyDezeRequest. Log visits to Meansucker's House and
Heartbreaker's Hotel.

Revision: 7956
Level 0 class combat skills ARE permable now.
When the Stocking Mimic reached inside itself and pulls out its familiar item,
add it to inventory and equip it on the familiar. (Which is what KoL just did)

Revision: 7957
When interpreting a line as a CLI command, preserve the case of the command, in
case it turns out to be a script invocation, since file names can be case

Revision: 7958
Explict cast to java.lang.Object to make complier happier.

Revision: 7959
Eliminated return true so function never returns a value (because return value is never used).

Revision: 7960
Fix recently introduced compile errors: method.invoke's second argument is an
Object [], not an Object.
Use Preferences.increment as appropriate.

Revision: 7961
Add new Travelling Trader item and skill

Revision: 7962
Remove highlight buffer

Revision: 7963
Parse moderator messages as their own message type where the player id is stored. Format moderator messages to provide a profile link using the stored player id.
As a side note, because "Mod Announcement" was not recognized as a moderator-type sender, the player id links just linked to the profile for the first person to post a mod announcement during the user's KoLmafia session. This commit should also fix that issue, assuming "Mod Announcement" is the proper spelling for what shows up in chat.

Revision: 7964
Do not highlight tabs when they are first opened unless that tab was opened due to an incoming message.

Revision: 7965
When a stocking mimic eats candy, either at the end of a battle or via the
familiar binger or inventory page, add experience. Adjust weight as appropriate.

Revision: 7966
When looking for tower items in shore result text, accept only those in bold

Revision: 7967
When annotating monsters, also color the monster name based on the monster element. We will use CSS classes rather than what was specified in the KoLmafia feature request forum so that we do not interfere with Greasemonkey scripts that rely on the innerHTML of that span.

Revision: 7968
Fix name clicks in chat for players that have an underscore in their name
Fix player ids not being recognized while chatting, causing name clicks for profiles and ascension history to not have any results

Revision: 7969
If you have a bookshelf, check it at login, just to synch up with current mana
cost for casting libram skills.
When you cast a libram skill from skills.php, handle redirect to campground.php
and thence back to skills.php?message=1

Revision: 7970
Once we have successfully parsed a skill usage, null out the skill so that
subsequent simple visits to skill.php are not erroneously parsed as casting
the same skill again.
When casting a libram skill from skills.php, do not also log its casting from
the subsequent redirect to campground.php

Revision: 7971
Stop when we reach a hobopolis boss. Aborting was a bit more than was necessary.
This means scripts no longer halt when reaching a hobopolis boss. They will now continue.

Revision: 7972
Summon sugar sheets is a bookshelf skill.

Revision: 7973
Print any stack traces that happen when polling server messages for internal chat

Revision: 7974
Fix various autosell prices, access, fullness, etc.

Revision: 7975
Recognize the channel where moderator messages arrive from

Revision: 7976
Fixed typo

Revision: 7977
Teach Familiar Trainer about sugar shield. Untested.

Revision: 7978
Add (untested) support for stinky cheese items:
- Equipment Manager keeps track of how many unique stinky cheese items you have
equipped (can be up to 4: 1 weapon, 1 offhand, 1 pants, 1 accessory)
- Variable _stinkyCheeseCount tracks daily stinky cheese combats: at start of a
fight, it is incremented by stinky cheese level, as above.
- Modifiers for stinky cheese items take _stinkyCheeseCount into account
When you have a red-and-green sweater equipped, you can use Static Shock. We do
not currently track whether you've used it yet this combat.
When you have a stinky cheese eye equipped, you can Give Your Opponent the
Stinkeye. We do not currently track if you've used it yet today.
Preferences.increment doesn't other changing the preference and writing the
settings file if increment is 0.

Revision: 7979
Apply floor() to _stinky_CheeseCount after applying appropriate division

Revision: 7980
Casting Jingle Bells gives you Jingle Jangle Jingle.
Casting Holiday Weight Gain gives you A Few Extra Pounds.

Revision: 7981
When evaluating modifier expressions, get preferences as string and parse as
float manually, to avoid forcing preference to be rewritten as a float

Revision: 7982
Add Interpreter.isTracing() to ASH interpreter. Execution of ASH parse nodes
calls that before calling Interpreter.trace(), to obviate string allocation
for the debug log if the trace stream is the null stream

Revision: 7983
List all three sources for Eggs-tra Sensory Perception and Egg-stortionary
Tactics, not just the paisley one.

Revision: 7984
Do not generate debug output (which can cause memory allocation from string
concatenation) unless the debug file is open.
Refactor counters a little bit.

Revision: 7985
"Meets" is a synonym of "Meat". Sometimes.

Revision: 7986
When you place a familiar into your terrarium, remember the name you gave it.

Revision: 7987
Adjust familiar naming pattern to be gender-insensitive.

Revision: 7988
Include bleary's patch which forces the KoL day to begin at "rollover" - which
is midnight at GMT-0330.

Revision: 7989
When KoLmafia detects an unknown item, it sometimes writes an override file in
the data directory - using an obsolete data format. Write this file in the
current format, and include all item attributes and secondary usages for already
known items.
The "checkdata" command will force an override file to be written, if and only
if new items are detected. This file is in the correct format...
Detect description ids when reading contents of storage - just in case you
have an unknown item sitting there.
Coming next: parsing item descriptions for new items to learn a lot more about
the attributes of the item, allowing KoLmafia to learn and adapt to new items
without as much constant updating...

Revision: 7990
Whenever you do a full refresh of inventory, check for unknown items.
If any are found, write override files in /data.

Revision: 7991
Write equipment.txt override, as well, when unknown items are detected.
Write overrides only at login (if unknown items were found) or via the
"newdata" command. For now.

Revision: 7992
"Extra-potent gremlin mutagin" -> "extra-potent gremlin mutagin"
Fix descids for Violet Hunt Invitation and A Crimbo Carol, Ch.5
Parse access, use type, and auto sell price from item descriptions for unknown
items and register them in item database.
Parse power, stat requisite, and weapon type from item descriptions for unknown
items and register them in equipment database.

Revision: 7993
Detect early when the debug log is closed and skip debug logging if so.

Revision: 7994
No NumberFormatException find short action name for "try to run away"

Revision: 7995
Calculate hamburgler position assuming we are in UTC-0330

Revision: 7996
Teach Modifiers how to generate modifiers.txt from internal data.
Add a couple of missing status effects.
Fix a couple of typos in the modifiers database

Revision: 7997
When generating modifiers.txt, programatically generate synergies and
maximization categories

Revision: 7998
When we discover a new item, log what goes into tradeitems.txt, itemdescs.txt
and equipment.txt to the gCLI

Revision: 7999
When examining the item description page for a new item, parse the enchantments
and update modifiers.
When writing data overrides, write modifiers.txt as well as tradeitems.txt,
itemdescs.txt, and equipment.txt.

Revision: 8000
Modify mall search to pick up name, id, and descid for each item found. If the
item is unknown, that suffices to register a new item, since the details can
be picked up from the item description.
Do not so-register unknown items found in your own store or display case, since
the desc id is not available in those places. You would have to have added them
outside KoLmafia for it to first see the items in those locations, so this is
not likely to be a problem.
Only equipment needs to update equipment.txt and modifiers.txt from the item
description text.

Revision: 8001
Fix adventure gains for pRevision 0n cocktail

Revision: 8002
Handle sudden eruption of a giant sandworm into a fight. Untested.

Revision: 8003
When learn descid for a new status effect, add to internal data tables and
update statuseffects.txt and modifiers.txt.
Move data table override writer from ItemDatabase to KoLmafia, since it now
will write tradeitems, itemdescs, equipment, statuseffects, and modifiers

Revision: 8004
COmpare mall search results to item's data name, not display name

Revision: 8005
When we look at your equipment, notice if you are wearing an unknown item and
log it. Unfortunately, the itemid is not available in that context, so we can't
register it. Instead, put a dummy item with the correct name into that slot;
the Gear Changer can then unequip it, and if you refresh inventory, we'll learn
about the item then.
When loading a data file, if an override file exists, log that we are using it.
If the override file is "stale" - its modification date is older than that of
the built-in file it is overriding - log that fact and don't use it.
If the override file is not stale but has the wrong version number, don't use
it (which is not new), but log the version error.
When KoLmafia writes its own override files - currently only tradeitems,
itemdescs, equipment, modifiers, or statuseffects - log it.
ChatRequest overrides processResponse into a null method, obviating a lot of
useless processing in the generic method.

Revision: 8006
Assume that visiting a square in the Hidden City takes a turn and give a
warning if a counter is about to expire.

Revision: 8007
Handle craft.php with null mode and guild.php with null action

Revision: 8008
CLI statement validation:
Require a condition after 'if', 'elseif', 'while', and 'try'
Disallow a condition after 'else'

Revision: 8009
Be defensive if unable to locate jar file for some reason.

Revision: 8010
Use same order of classloaders when looking for jar file as for files in jar
Handle accessories whether or not individual accessory slots are shown

Revision: 8011
Only look at bookshelf once when you log in.
When doing maxcast of a libram skill, calculate mana cost starting with the
next summon, not the most recent summon.

Revision: 8012
Change plural of ice-cold Sir Schlitz

Revision: 8013
When we do a full refresh of closet/inventory, new items can be found.
When we read storage, new items can be found.
When we look at the clan stash, new items can be found.
When we do a mall search, new items can be found.
When we use a soft green remedy, new effects can be found, and the charpane
will give the descids of those effects.
In all of those cases, write override files to the data directory.
The "newdata" CLI command forces a refresh of closet and inventory, looks at
the soft green remedy, and forces a charpane request, thereby forcing
override files to be written for items and effects acquired in-run.

Revision: 8014
Add a new string modifier - Effect - and a new numeric modifer - Effect Duration
Add a new expression variable for modifier expressions: "R" is Reagent Potion
Duration - 5, 10, or 15 depending on Impetuous Sauciness and Sauceror class.
Parse Effect and Duration from item descriptions (currently appear only for
"potions") and set the above modifiers.
Therefore, write modifiers.txt override when discover any new item, not just
Net result of the above:
numeric_modifier( $item[phial of coldness], "Effect Duration" );
returns 5, 10, or 15, as appropriate for the character who invokes it to
say how long Coldform will if you consume a phial of coldness

Revision: 8015
Duration of effects from nauseating potions depends on Impetuous Sauciness.
Show familiar item drop counter in compact charpane again.

Revision: 8016
When an ASH script's main function has parameters, we prompt the user for them.
If parsing the user's input as the specified data type causes an exception (for
example, non-numeric input for an integer), print an error message and reprompt.
If the user hits the Cancel button for any prompt, give up and don't execute the
script (as opposed to throwing an exception for a location, skill, or familiar)

Revision: 8017
Preprocess all "class=item" results and recognize new items from the relstring.
Write override files after discovering new items while adventuring.

Revision: 8018
HiddenCityRequest uses one adventure

Revision: 8019
If we attempt to cast a skill in combat which is not available, do not deduct
its MP cost.
Better parsing of rel string: quit as soon as id is located.

Revision: 8020
Don't get confused if a stocking mimic has eaten "1 candy" vs. "x candies".

Revision: 8021
Whenever we look at the terrarium, update data for existing familiars:
experience, weight, name, and item.o

Revision: 8022
Don't hold on to substrings of entire data files or HTML pages.

Revision: 8023
fishy wand and tiny costume wardrobe are lockable

Revision: 8024
When calculating modified weight of a particular familiar, use whatever item it
is actually equipped with, rather than whatever the current familiar is wearing

Revision: 8025
When switching to a familiar which is not wearing any equipment, look in
inventory and on other familiars for an appropriate item. Consider in order:pumpkin bucket, fireworks, mayflower bouquet, familiar's own item, lead necklace
Familiar Training frame uses same algorithm for deciding what to put on a
familiar at the end of training, but will not steal from other familiars

Revision: 8026
Properly handle both Temporary Blindness and Temporary Blindness (intrinsic)

Revision: 8027
Don't complain i make an AdventureResult with an unknown effect.
Sorceress Entryway script now obeys preference for removing malignant status
effects when deciding to get rid of teleportitis and wussiness

Revision: 8028
The presence of "T" in a modifier expression is not enough to say that the name
is a status effect; zone(The Slime Tube) also matches, for example.

Revision: 8029
Don't get confused if you get more than one of an unknown item at a time.
Add colorful plastic ball, Having a Ball!, and Awesome Ball Pit
Modifiers for Having a Ball! are not correct, since they depend on the number
of balls currently in your clan's ball pit.

Revision: 8030
Trap NumberFormatExceptions in to_float(), just as in to_int(), and print an
informative message and return 0.0
Do not throw Exceptions in file_to_map() if data file has bad values.

Revision: 8031
Precompile all patterns used for charpane parsing, rather than recompiling
them every time we get a charpane refresh.
Add flag to FamiliarData - "feasted" is true if the familiar is currently
well-fed. We can only detect this for the current familiar by looking at the
char pane, so you might have well-fed familiars in your terrarium which we
don't know. We'll learn that if you take them out.

Revision: 8032
Modifier Maximizer can now display multiple boosts for the same effect.
There are two possible sources:
* Extender commands like "use either X, Y" are split up into "use X", "use
Y", etc., so that the individual items can have their availability and
pricing shown.
* statuseffects.txt can now have multiple extender commands, separated by
vertical bars. Only the first one (presumably the most generally useful one)
is used by the "up" command and mood triggers; the Maximizer will consider
them all. This is needed to handle a few oddball effects that can be
acquired by incompatible means, such as a potion and a food; even if there
was a CLI command that was capable of doing both things, it would be
undesirable to have that choice made arbitrarily.
If multiple sources are shown, all but the first are prefixed by "...or " to
indicate that they can't be stacked (although there isn't currently anything
preventing you from selecting and executing multiple sources of the same
All extender commands involving spleen items now consistently use "chew"
instead of "use", so that they can be easily recognized (as has always been
the case with food and drink items).

Revision: 8033
Haiku improvements:
- Recognize new items
- The HP image can signal an HP gain, as well as a loss. Recognize both.
- Log MP gains and losses.
- Recognize and log when you gain a stat point.
- Recognize when your familiar gains a pound.
- Familiar actions come in haiku, so log them as such.

Revision: 8034
Remove duplicate default. Fix incorrect defaults.

Revision: 8035
Fix various issues with typedefs

Revision: 8036
When you log in, if you have a Clan VIP Lounge key in inventory, visit the VIP
lounge and report if you have a present waiting. Do not open it, of course.

Revision: 8037
Add moveable feast to list of desirable familiar items to auto-eqip.
"From Little Acorns..." consumes your Underworld Acorn

Revision: 8038
When you jump through the gash, set breakfast preference, so that we know to
reset everything when you arrive in Valhalla.
When you arrive in Valhallo, reset "talked to paco" flag
Reset Telescope status upon ascension.

Revision: 8039
Certain crafting recipes use only a single ingredient. Handle this.

Revision: 8040
If you are in haiku combat, use different algorithm to parse damage.
Log all familiar actions - in haiku - when you are in a haiku battle

Revision: 8041
remove debug prints

Revision: 8042
Add "ballpit" command to CLI to jump into your clan's Awesome Ball Pit.
(We do not currently track usage of this once-a-day activity)
Add "chips" command to CLI to buy from 1 to 3 bags of chips from your clan's
snak machine. "chips radium, ennui, wintergreen" will buy one of each.
(We do not currently track usage of this thrice-per-day activity)

Revision: 8043
Non-haiku results - like a hobo monkey stealing meat - can appear in the midst
of haiku results. Process them.
Start parsing haiku the sam round you cast The 17 Cuts.

Revision: 8044
Improvements to stationary buttons when in birdform
- Add steal button
- Do not add noodles button
- Show only bird skills. Non-bird skills remain in preferences.
If you fail to consume a potion of inebriety due to path restrictions, do not
remove it from inventory.

Revision: 8045
More haiku combat improvements:
- Rather than iterating once through the haikus to log damage to the monster
and familiar actions and then again to process items, meat, and stat gains,
iterate once and pick up all of the above. This has the nice effect that
familiar actions and associated items, meat, HP, MP, and damage are in the
correct place relative to each other, unlike normal combat.
- Recognize elemental damage from spells correctly.
- Recognize damage from combat items correctly.

Revision: 8046
Add "fecho" command: a "full line echo" which passes on the rest of the line
verbatim to the gCLI and session log.
"full line" commands no longer put spaces around ; in the input line.

Revision: 8047
Fix delevel effect of Disco Bandit combat skills. Stealth Mistletoe doubles
that effect. Remove unneeded "canbeHaiku" parameters from ResultProcesssor.

Revision: 8048
Add Milk of Magnesium nag dialog, a la Ode to Booze nag dialog. Fix typo.

Revision: 8049
Put in "headless" check for milk dialog, a la similar check in ode dialog

Revision: 8050
When clover protection kicks in during Relay Browser adventuring, display
acquired ten-leaf clovers as disassembled clovers. (This used to work, but
broke, I believe, with the advent of ajax inventory requests.)

Revision: 8051
Fix trophy-matching regex to match recent changes in trophies.php.

Revision: 8052
Clear chat buffer when opening a window for it

Revision: 8053
Clear channel information on logout, which should ensure that when you relogin, you don't talk in the channel you were in on your previous character

Revision: 8054
Code cleanup for link click options, should also include fix for inability to view a person's mall store by clicking on a chat link.

Revision: 8055
For chat_private, if it's currently running a chatbotScript for that person, do not check against clan whitelist. This should make it so that chatbots will continue behaving exactly as they did before the update, while also allowing the chatbot to send a PM to a guild member who did not send it a private message.

Revision: 8056
Only check clan whitelist if you have access to it, which should allow non-administrators to generate clan snapshots and do other clan member related checks in their chatbots.

Revision: 8057
When you visit the Gash in the Relay Browser, we give a list of "common things
you forgot to do." Among those is a listing up to 16 quest items with an
autosell value and no other use and saying "why didn't you sell those?"
Instead, in the built-in preAscension function, which is called when you click
on the gash, just autosell any of those items ou happen tohave in inventory.
Add defensive code to prevent taking an NPE if we can't fins an override file.
I can't see how that could happen, but I repeatedly do see it happening, so...

Revision: 8058
Add five counters for daily activities
_ballpit true if you have played in the ball pit
_chipBags 0 - 3 bags of chips
_deluxeKlawSummons 0 - 3 Deluxe Mr. Klaw summons
_klawSummons 0 - 3 Mr. Klaw usages
_toastSummons 0-3 usages of the cheap toaster
breakfast can use the Deluxe Mr. Klaw, the Mr. Klaw, and the toaster and now
abides by the respective settings

Revision: 8059
If we discover a new familiar in the terrarium, register it and write an
override file for familiars.txt

Revision: 8060
When detect unknown familiar in terrarium, assume larva is item 0 and item is
unknown (rather than assuming both were steaming evil, as before).

Revision: 8061
A couple of redirects to game.php should be to main.php

Revision: 8062
Correctly handle meat in inventory and storage when you buy raffle tickets

Revision: 8063
Fix "try" statement. Fix all flow-control statements.

Revision: 8064
Also reset chat poller when logging out so that messages from a previous session don't appear when you re-open chat

Revision: 8065
Revamp conditional statements to, hopefully, make them work as before and still
validate conditionals

Revision: 8066
Simply visiting Mr. Store suffices to learn about new IOTMs
Librams, Tomes, and Grimoires are Free Pulls
Add basic item info about Libram of BRICKOs
Any item can have modifiers, not just equipment

Revision: 8067
Tag combat actions with the correct round number

Revision: 8068
Add "eatsilent" CLI and ASH commands to allow scripts to eat food without a
nag dialog about milk of magnesium

Revision: 8069
Fix hangs due to incomplete conditional commands once and for all.
Restore 'else' functionality after a 'while'.
Give a continuation prompt in --CLI mode when a conditional command needs an
additional line.

Revision: 8070
When parsing weapon type of an unknown weapon, don't register it as, e.g.,
"2-handed 2-handed club".
Add tradeitems, itemdescs, equipment, and modifiers entries for BRICK items

Revision: 8071
Add "ashq" CLI command, as a quiet version of "ash" - the return value isn't
printed. This should be useful when "ash" is used as a quick & dirty way of
implementing new commands, rather than its originally intended purpose of
experimenting with the ASH language.

Revision: 8072
Add support for Summon BRICKOs

Revision: 8073
MultiUseRequest concoctions can use up more than one kind of of item
Add known BRICKO concoctions
Handle "using" BRICKO monsters
Add BRICKOfig Outfit

Revision: 8074
Add BRICKO vacuum cleaner. Fix recipe for BRICKO pyramid

Revision: 8075
Reorganize frame creation code for tabbed chat to make sure that the frame that's created is what's updated by the tabbed chat code. This should resolve the issue of relogin with chat automatically reloading an old chat window that never updates.

Revision: 8076
Add BRICKO airship and cathedral
When start, check current version AND revision in deciding whether to clear out
data overrides

Revision: 8077
Change a bunch of default settings so that KoLmafia will do fewer things
"out of the box" to surprise new users. In particular, purchasing and
item usage:
autoSatisfyWithCloset = false (leave items in the closet)
autoSatisfyWithMall = false (do not buy things)
autoSatisfyWithNPCs = false (do not buy things)
relayMaintainsHealth = false (let user decide when to heal)
removeMalignantEffects = false (let user decide)
switchEquipmentForBuffs = false (let user decide)
autoManaRestore = false (in-combat MP restoration uses items)
autoRepairBoxServants = false (let user decide)
mpAutoRecovery = -0.5 (off, rather than recover at 0)
Turn off a couple default settings that don't consume player resources,
but which can be confusing:
relayHidesJunkMallItems = false (show everything in mall)
relayTrimsZapList = false (show everything)
I also turned on relayAddsRoundNumber, which annotates combat rounds in
the Relay Browser. That's harmless and interesting, even to the novice.

Revision: 8078
Add extra-heavy BRICKO brick

Revision: 8079
Added support for an external script editor, specified in Preferences
(currently at the bottom of the General section). It can be invoked by the
CLI "edit" command, or by selecting an item from the Scripts menu with the
shift key held down.
Note that, on the Mac at least, the shift key has to be down when the menu is
first pulled down - pressing it while the menu is already open doesn't work,
and I see no way to fix that.
This has only been tested with TextWrangler, in which case the editor command
is simply 'edit' (assuming that you let it install its command-line tools).

Revision: 8080
For all foldgroups, items are now listed in the order they squish into.
Improve "fold" command: when asked to fold into such-and-such an item, start
with the item in inventory which will take the fewest transformations.
Only consider transforming items in inventory.

Revision: 8081
Let's find out how much better the external script editor feature works if I
actually add the code to the project!

Revision: 8082
No NumberFormatExceptions when prompting for integers via dialogs.
Remove unused setting.

Revision: 8083
Add BRICKO gargantuchicken.
"fold" comman verifies that you have the skills to make a shirt or chefstaff
"fold" command does not loop making an item with a capital letter in name

Revision: 8084
Added the flasks & vials as alternate sources of the Gnomochloric acid potion
effects - they're unlikely to ever be as cost-effective as the jugs, but may
be a good deal if you only need a few turns of the effect.
Added the various evil sauceor potions as additional sources of their
effects. To keep them from cluttering up the display, the Maximizer will no
longer show "acquire &" actions for non-tradeable items - you must have them,
or the ingredients to make them, already.

Revision: 8085
Added new nonfilling.txt data file, to handle the increasing number of usable
items that have a level requirement, but aren't a food, drink, or spleen item
and therefore aren't covered by any existing data file that could record this
info. It can also contain usage notes for non-filling items, but that
capability isn't yet being used.

Revision: 8086
When mana burning chooses a libram skill, obey breakfast setting

Revision: 8087
Add BRICKO egg and BRICKO chick

Revision: 8088
Added some missing effects & effect sources.

Revision: 8089
Add power for brass dorsal fin. Add BRICKO monsters.
Update mallprices.
Bump version to 13.9