Powerleveling past Level 11


This is the script I use for powerleveling after I beat the Sorceress when I need to get to a 12+ level for a particular guild skill.  This script assumes that you are in Softcore and out of Ronin.  A lot of the functions are taken from other script files that I import, but I put them all together in one file for easy reference. 
This script performs the following actions:

  • [li]Sends requests to sneaksie and IocaineBot for a Sneakiness buff[/li]
    [li]Self-buffs Empathy, Leash, Tenacity, Rage, Astral, Fusilli, Ghostly Shell, Jabanero, Jalapeno, Celerity and Aptitude to cover all the remaining adventures[/li]
    [li]takes all equipment off[/li]
    [li]buys the parts of the knob goblin elite outfit that are needed[/li]
    [li]buys enough Knob Goblin learning pills to cover all adv's[/li]
    [li]buys enough super-spiky hair gel from the mall for all adv's[/li]
    [li]buys the following items if they are missing, which make up my 'powerlevel' outfit: mohawk wig, penguin shorts, 2x ring of aggravate monster, ring of conflict.  I also use 2 ice sickles, but I obviously don't buy those each time.[/li]
    [li]equips the 'powerlevel' outfit[/li]
    [li]sets the Choice Adventure setting for the Wheel in the Sky to whatever your primary stat is[/li]

it then begins a loop containing the following actions until you are out of adventures (I stop the script manually once I reach the desired level):
  • [li]cures Beaten Up with Tongue[/li]
    [li]restores HP[/li]
    [li]restores MP[/li]
    [li]checks for Shiny Happy Cupcake effect, and buys and eats an orange cupcake from the mall if necessary to get the effect[/li]
    [li]checks for Black Tongue or Orange Tongue, uses a black snowcone if on hand, otherwise buys and eats an orange snowcone from the mall if necessary[/li]
    [li]Adventures once at the castle in the sky then repeats the loop[/li]


In my ascension script I have a fucntion GetOutOfRonin() that does various things depending on your target level. My softcore runs usually speed to level 11 then I kill the time either farming or leveling, and the leveling option is probably waht you're looking for.

I actually do the exact same things as the post-ronin script, but I pull items from Hagnk's if possible, using lesser eauipment on hand if I don't have the optimal ones from the post-ronin version. All you need to do is change the existing post-ronin version to pull items or comment out the Buy commands, as well as commenting out the buffbot calls and you should be all set.

I have to admit I had a major brainfart reading the first post. I read the post thinking, wtf...this guy does the EXACT same thing that I do to powerlevel, down to the order of events, and I was trying to think if I sent my script out to anyone or if it was just an amazing coincidence. Then I saw that I was the original poster and facepalmed. It was funny enough to actually make me laugh out loud, so I thought I'd bore you with the anecdote.

back to the topic, if you want me to sanitize the original script to work in Ronin let me know and I'll post an updated version.
> call scripts\New Folder\Powerleveling.ash

Undefined reference to function 'current_equipment' (Powerleveling.ash, line 78)

I don't understand what's wrong
I even tryed to change that but it gives me another line
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It's an old script and the function name in Ash has changed. it's now equipped_item($slot[weapon]

So the line

if (item_amount(RRL) > 0 || current_equipment( $slot[weapon] ) == RRL )	{ ATBuff = 15; }

would become

if (item_amount(RRL) > 0 || equipped_item( $slot[weapon] ) == RRL )	{ ATBuff = 15; }

Having said that there may also be other other changes needed and I would suspect the strategy is no longer optimal.
Hmmm, I get this:
> call scripts/Powerleveling.ash

Undefined reference to function 'current_equipment' (Powerleveling.ash, line 78)
when I try to run it.
Any help?
Scroll up on the screen and look at the posts a few before yours where the identical question was asked - and then answered.
And also worth mentioning again that this script is most likely not even close to optimal. The removal of the ML vs. noncombat restrictions changed things quite a bit.