cookie-wormwood.ash - Script to acquire Worm Wood items while adventuring


With a little effort, I've managed to combine the functionality of Bale's automatic semi-rare script with that of the Worm Wood visiting script by ankorite, antimarty, and Miser. This script will both automatically fetch the most valuable semi-rare for your fortune cookies (eating another cookie to keep your counters up to date) and automatically adventure in the Worm Wood when your absinthe counters expire. The script will now only fetch semi-rares when not in hardcore, unless specifically configured to do so.

set counterScript = cookie-wormwood.ash
set wormwoodGoal = not-a-pipe

Supported items include all the Worm Wood specific items, plus "muscle", "moxie", and "mysticality".

You need all 3 attached scripts. "cookie-wormwood.ash" is the main script, "wormwood.ash" handles some wormwood logic and "cookie.ash" is Bale's valuable semi-rare gathering script. You should be able to replace it with later versions of the script, or adapt it to your own semi-rare strategies.

Version 1.0: Initial release
Version 1.1: Does 5-1 and 1 stat gains (set goal to, i.e. muscle51, or muscle1)
Version 2.0: Won't mangle your existing goals, won't get cookies in hardcore unless configured for it.
Version 2.1: Adventure in the Ballroom when your dance card expires
Version 2.21: Improved handling of choice adventures without resorting to adventure()
Version 3.0: Separated fortune cookie logic into imported script for easier upgrades.
Version 3.1: Upgraded to newer version of Bale's cookie script which changed the function name.
Version 3.2: Optionally (by default) use additional dance cards when your dance card counter expires.


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I've solved my problem with preexisting goals, as well as taken a hint from other posters and configured the script to not fetch semi-rares in hardcore, since you might actually want to pick them on your own there.
This is pretty nifty. I only just started using this script for it's hardcore functionality. I'd like to recommend the following changes for lines 162-166

	case "Dance Card":
		if(adventure(1, $location[Ballroom])) {}
		if(item_amount($item[dance card])> 0)
			use(1, $item[dance card]);
		return true;
The original version would not trap an error condition caused by failing to fulfill adventure conditions. It aborted at awkward moments. This also has the advantage of automatically using another dance card for very efficient leveling during auto-adventuring.

After I've collected dance cards, but not used them while collecting them, this will automatically use them while I'm auto-adventuring somewhere else.

I don't like to use my dance cards while collecting them since I often gather them while my level is still too low to make good use of them. Besides, using them in the ballroom will prevent me from making use of the +moxie non-combat or encountering more zombie waltzers. This helped me avoid a lot of tediousness when it was time to use them in the midst of my level 10 quests.
I've made the change you suggested, except I've added a variable at the top of the script to decide if you want to use additional dance cards or not. It defaults to true, but at least you can change the preferences that way.
How do I use this correctly to powerlevel myst?

I am currently calling wormwood.ash with goal of "myst" and give it a count of how many tiny bottles to use and the last variable is "haunted gallery".

This works great, gaining levels much quicker than the gallery or bedroom alone. The script quits working when the semi-rare counter expires and runs the cookie script and it hangs up due to the same.
How do I use this correctly to powerlevel myst?

I am currently calling wormwood.ash with goal of "myst" and give it a count of how many tiny bottles to use and the last variable is "haunted gallery".

This works great, gaining levels much quicker than the gallery or bedroom alone. The script quits working when the semi-rare counter expires and runs the cookie script and it hangs up due to the same.

You're confusing the two scripts. You can either use wormwood.ash by itself, without the cookie script configured, or you can use cookie-wormwood as the counter script, using a mood to use tiny bottles and adventuring manually (i.e. "adventure * haunted gallery").
That is because of a conflict between wormwood.ash and cookie-wormwood.ash since StormCrow is only using wormwood.ash for some of its functions rather than calling it directly. To fix the problem, you need to do one of two things.

Choose 1 of the following 2 solutions:
  1. set counterScript =
    This will stop using the counter script. You can continue to use wormwood.ash as you have been and it will work now.

  2. set wormwoodGoal = mysticality and do not call wormwood.ash
    This way the counter script will intecept your automatic adventuring and spend turns in the corrent parts of wormwood without further incident.

    There is an added bonus to doing it this way. If you set wormwoodGoal = mysticality51 it will only powerlevel at counters 5 and 1. Or mysticality1 will only use the last turn of absinthe.

Edit: Ninja'ed, but I win for detail.