New Content - Implemented New Castle Content


The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky

Basement (snarfblat=322)
Ground Floor (snarfblat=323)
Top Floor (snarfblat=324)

Basement :

Monsters :

Neckbeard Giant - 125 Att, 120 Def, 150 HP - drops Giant Penguin Keychain (Shield 10 DR, +12-16 Hp/adv, -5 Mox), open sauce (booze - needs spading), O'RLY manual (20 adventures of "You Read the Manual", +9 myst stats per fight) - base meat drop 150
Fitness Giant - 150 Att, 140 Def, 200 HP - drops Pec Oil (20 adv of Oiled-Up, +2 Prismatic Resistance), giant jar of protein powder (use gives 3-4 giant grains of protein powder, food, which needs spading), giant gym membership card (Back item, +15 weapon damage), Squat-Thrust Magazine (20 turns of Squatting and Thrusting - +7 Mus stats per fight) - base meat drop 100
Alphabet Giant - usual drops
Furry Giant - usual drops

Non-combat 670 (You Don't Mess Around with Gym)
- Grab a Dumbbell (acquire massive dumbbell)
- Work Out (gain up to ~200 Muscle - at level 43, so cap around here, probably +/- 10%)
- Rifle the Gym Bag (acquire 2 of : pec oil, giant far of protein powder, Squat-Thrust Magazine)
- Check out the Mirror (with Amulet of Plot Significance, open Ground Floor, otherwise skip adventure)
- Leave through the Basement Window (skip adventure)

<input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=670><input type=hidden name=option value=1><input class=button type=submit value="Grab a Dumbbell"></form><form name=choiceform2 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=670><input type=hidden name=option value=2><input class=button type=submit value="Work Out"></form><form name=choiceform3 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=670><input type=hidden name=option value=3><input class=button type=submit value="Rifle the Gym Bag"></form><form name=choiceform4 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=670><input type=hidden name=option value=4><input class=button type=submit value="Check out the Mirror"></form><form name=choiceform5 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=670><input type=hidden name=option value=5><input class=button type=submit value="Leave through the Basement Window">

Non-combat 671 (Out in the Open Source)
- Check out the Dumbwaiter (with massive dumbbell, access Ground Floor)
- Mess with the Computer Equipment (gain up to ~200 Myst - at level 43, so cap around here, probably +/- 10%)
- Check the Neckbeard's Giant Cargo Shorts (acquire O'RLY manual, open sauce)
- Crawl through the Heating Vent (back to You Don't Mess Around with Gym)

<input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=671><input type=hidden name=option value=1><input class=button type=submit value="Check out the Dumbwaiter"></form><form name=choiceform2 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=671><input type=hidden name=option value=2><input class=button type=submit value="Mess with the Computer Equipment"></form><form name=choiceform3 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=671><input type=hidden name=option value=3><input class=button type=submit value="Check the Neckbeard's Giant Cargo Shorts"></form><form name=choiceform4 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=671><input type=hidden name=option value=4><input class=button type=submit value="Crawl through the Heating Vent">

Non-combat 669 (The Fast and the Furry-ous)
- Crawl through the Heating Duct (back to Out in the Open Source)
- Check out the Furry's Figurine Collection (gain up to ~200 Moxie - at level 43, so cap around here, probably +/- 10%)
- Leave Through a Mousehole (skip adventure)

<form name=choiceform1 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=669><input type=hidden name=option value=1><input class=button type=submit value="Crawl Through the Heating Duct"></form><form name=choiceform2 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=669><input type=hidden name=option value=2><input class=button type=submit value="Check out the Furry's Figurine Collection"></form><form name=choiceform4 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=669><input type=hidden name=option value=4><input class=button type=submit value="Leave Through a Mousehole"></form>

Non-combat (Arise!)
(access Ground Floor)

Semi-rare :
Super Weight-Gain 9000

Clover adventure (You Never Know What You're Gonna Find) - Gain ruby W, metallic A, lowercase N, original G, heavy D

Ground Floor :

Possibility Giant - usual
Foodie Giant - 130 Att, 120 Def, 150 HP - drops giant heirloom grape tomato (food, needs spading), giant artisanal rice peeler (1h, +15 Spell Damage), chipotle wasabi cilantro aioli (combat item, does physical (30-40) and prismatic (8-10) damage) - 100 base meat drop
Procrastination Giant - usual
Renaissance Giant - 125 Att, 110 Def, 150 HP - drops Ye Olde Meade (booze, needs spading), Ye Olde Medieval Insult (combat item, delevel 15-20), giant turkey leg (3h, +50% Weapon Damage, +5 Combat Rate), Ye Olde Bawdy Limerick (20 adv of "From Nantucket", +5 moxie stats per adventure) - 100 base meat drop

Non-combat 672 (There's No Ability Like Possibility)
- Rifle the Wallet-Purse-Leprechaun (On three samples - acquire seal tooth twice, seal-clubbing club three times, ravioli hat three times, pasta spoon once)
- Read the Magazine-Orangutan-lamp (gain effect "Nothing is Impossible" - 30 adv, +100% spell damage)
- Go out the Way You Came In (skip adventure)

<form name=choiceform1 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=672><input type=hidden name=option value=1><input class=button type=submit value="Rifle the Wallet-Purse-Leprechaun"></form><form name=choiceform2 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=672><input type=hidden name=option value=2><input class=button type=submit value="Read the Magazine-Orangutan-lamp"></form><form name=choiceform3 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=672><input type=hidden name=option value=3><input class=button type=submit value="Go out the Way You Came In"></form>

Non-combat (Top of the Castle, Ma)
(access top floor)

Non-combat 674 (Huzzah!)
- Exploreth the Writing Desk (acquire pewter claymore - 2H, +6-12 HP and MP per adv)
- Turn on Ye Olde Television Set (gain effect "Pretending to Pretend" - 30 adv, +100% Weapon damage)
- Seek the Egress Anon (skip adventure)

<form name=choiceform1 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=674><input type=hidden name=option value=1><input class=button type=submit value="Exploreth the Writing Desk"></form><form name=choiceform2 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=674><input type=hidden name=option value=2><input class=button type=submit value="Turn on Ye Olde Television Set"></form><form name=choiceform3 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=674><input type=hidden name=option value=3><input class=button type=submit value="Seek the Egress Anon"></form>

Non-combat 673 (Putting Off is Off-Putting)
- Look Under a Pile of Junk (acquire very overdue library book - gain stats on use ~60, then skip adventure)
- Roll in a Pile of Junk (gain effect "Trash-Wrapped" - 30 adv, 10 DR)
- Get out of this Junk (skip adventure)

<form name=choiceform1 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=673><input type=hidden name=option value=1><input class=button type=submit value="Look Under a Pile of Junk"></form><form name=choiceform2 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=673><input type=hidden name=option value=2><input class=button type=submit value="Roll in a Pile of Junk"></form><form name=choiceform3 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=673><input type=hidden name=option value=3><input class=button type=submit value="Get out of this Junk"></form>

Semi-Rare :
Possibility Potion

Top Floor :

Raver Giant - usual
Punk Rock Giant - 150 Att, 140 Def, 150 HP - drops stolen sushi (food - needs spading), punk rock jacket (shirt, +8 Mox, 5 DR), giant safety pin (1H, +10 Weapon Damage, Weakens opponent) - base meat drop 50
Steampunk Giant - 145 Att, 134 Def, 150 HP - drops brown felt tophat (+5 Myst, meatpasting component), brass gear (meatpasting component) - base meat drop 100
Goth Giant - usual

Non-combat 675 (Melon Collie and the Infinite Lameness)
- End His Suffering (fight Goth giant)
- Change up the Music (only with DBDB record)
- Snag some Candles (acquire 3 thin black candles)
- Gimme Steam (goes to Copper Feel)

No music choice Source
<form name=choiceform1 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=675><input type=hidden name=option value=1><input class=button type=submit value="End His Suffering"></form><form name=choiceform3 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=675><input type=hidden name=option value=3><input class=button type=submit value="Snag some Candles"></form><form name=choiceform4 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=675><input type=hidden name=option value=4><input class=button type=submit value="Gimme Steam"></form>

Music choice Source
<form name=choiceform1 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=675><input type=hidden name=option value=1><input class=button type=submit value="End His Suffering"></form><form name=choiceform2 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=675><input type=hidden name=option value=2><input class=button type=submit value="Change up the Music"></form><form name=choiceform3 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=675><input type=hidden name=option value=3><input class=button type=submit value="Snag some Candles"></form><form name=choiceform4 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=675><input type=hidden name=option value=4><input class=button type=submit value="Gimme Steam"></form>

Non-combat 677 (Copper Feel)
- Harrumph in Distain (fight Steampunk Giant)
- Investigate the Whirligigs and Gimcrackery (acquire steam-powered model rocketship, then skip adventure)
- Grab a Gear (acquire brass gear)
- Go through the Crack (goes to Melon Collie and the Infinite Lameness)

<form name=choiceform1 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=677><input type=hidden name=option value=1><input class=button type=submit value="Harrumph in Disdain"></form><form name=choiceform2 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=677><input type=hidden name=option value=2><input class=button type=submit value="Investigate the Whirligigs and Gimcrackery"></form><form name=choiceform3 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=677><input type=hidden name=option value=3><input class=button type=submit value="Grab a Gear"></form><form name=choiceform4 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=677><input type=hidden name=option value=4><input class=button type=submit value="Go through the Crack"></form>

Non-combat 676 (Flavor of a Raver)
- Pick a Fight (fight Raver Giant)
- Breath Deeply (gain MP/HP - full heal? I got 168HP and 612 MP, which was full heal)
- Raid the Crate (acquire drum 'n' bass 'n' drum 'n' bass record, then skip adventure)
- Check Behind the Giant Poster (goes to You're for Me, Punk Rock Giant)

<form name=choiceform1 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=676><input type=hidden name=option value=1><input class=button type=submit value="Pick a Fight"></form><form name=choiceform2 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=676><input type=hidden name=option value=2><input class=button type=submit value="Breathe Deeply"></form><form name=choiceform3 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=676><input type=hidden name=option value=3><input class=button type=submit value="Raid the Crate"></form><form name=choiceform4 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=676><input type=hidden name=option value=4><input class=button type=submit value="Check Behind the Giant Poster"></form>

Non-combat 678 (Yeah, You're for Me, Punk Rock Giant)
- Get the Punk's Attention (fight Punk Rock Giant)
- Dig Through His Drawers (gain meat - I got 451-538)
- Look Behind the Poster (goes to Flavor of a Raver)

<form name=choiceform1 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=678><input type=hidden name=option value=1><input class=button type=submit value="Get the Punk's Attention"></form><form name=choiceform2 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=678><input type=hidden name=option value=2><input class=button type=submit value="Dig Through His Drawers"></form><form name=choiceform4 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='8a93cac9f5b5f70f13d4e91464c2c783'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=678><input type=hidden name=option value=4><input class=button type=submit value="Look Behind the Poster"></form>

Items not in 11893 :
6267 giant grain of protein powder 335376132 ppgrain.gif food t,d 44 giant grains of protein powder
# giant grain of protein powder
6300 Super Weight-Gain 9000 665126071 pill.gif usable t 0
Super Weight-Gain 9000 Effect: "Superveiny 9000", Effect Duration: 10
6281 giant heirloom grape tomato 882382369 grapetomato.gif food t,d 75
# giant heirloom grape tomato
6276 Ye Olde Meade 411324393 jarl_rum.gif drink t,d 92
# Ye Olde Meade
6275 giant turkey leg 829244851 bigturkeyleg.gif weapon t,d 104
giant turkey leg 200 Mus: 200 3-handed club
giant turkey leg Weapon Damage Percent: +50, Combat Rate: +5
6292 giant safety pin 577853422 safetypin.gif weapon t,d 91
giant safety pin 155 Mus: 62 1-handed spear
giant safety pin Weapon Damage: +10, Weakens Monster
6301 possibility potion 419795453 potion4.gif usable t 0
possibility potion Effect: "Always In Motion", Effect Duration: 10

Effects not in 11893 :
1202 Superveiny 9000 strboost.gif 6d89203ac28fe98c2de379b0c3e0bb63 use 1 Super Weight-Gain 9000
Superveiny 9000 Maximum HP: +300
1203 Always In Motion jarl_neverlate.gif 8e8bc4e1f0f6df5807d2b7d7bc58341e use 1 possibility potion
Always In Motion Initiative: +100
1199 Nothing Is Impossible confused.gif 57a019e789b03a05acaf5dfbea68c6cb
Nothing Is Impossible Spell Damage Percent: +100
1201 Pretending to Pretend pewtersword.gif 9325284afe7a89c7ad04231ef3e92e30
Pretending to Pretend Weapon Damage Percent: +100

Crafting :

brown felt top hat and brass gear meatpaste into Mark I Steam-Hat (Myst +5, +20 HP, meatpasting component)
Mark I Steam-Hat and brass gear meatpaste into Mark II Steam-Hat (Myst +5, +20 HP, +15% Init, meatpasting component)
Mark II Steam-Hat and brass gear meatpaste into Mark III Steam-Hat (Myst +5, +20 HP, +15% Init, Never Fumble, meatpasting component)
Mark III Steam-Hat and brass gear meatpaste into Mark IV Steam-Hat (Myst +5, +20 HP, +15% Init, Never Fumble, +10% item drop, meatpasting component)
Mark IV Steam-Hat and brass gear meatpaste into Mark V Steam-Hat (Myst +5, +20 HP, +15% Init, Never Fumble, +10% item drop, has a death ray on it)

Mark V Steam-Hat gives access to 0 MP skill Fire a Death Ray, which causes 20-30 damage and doesn't allow monster to attack that round.
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A small addition to Darzil's excellent post:

Looking at item #6266...
Unknown item found: giant jar of protein powder (6266, 333160339)
6266 giant jar of protein powder 333160339 ppjar.gif usable t,d 124
# giant jar of protein powder
Added stats and meat drop above.

Spading on consumables :

Stolen Sushi - 6 full, +12-14 Adventures, +15-20 stats (8 samples)
Protein Powder - 1 full, +2-3 Adventures, +30-40 Muscle (14 samples)
Giant Heirloom Grape Tomato - 5 full, +13-15 Adventures, +20-30 stats (10 samples)

Ye Olde Meade - 5 drunk, +14-16 Adventures, +20-30 stats (8 samples)
Open Sauce - 4 drunk, +11-13 Adventures, +15-25 stats (8 samples)
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I added the new locations, monsters, and missing items with r11895.

  • Choice Adventures
  • Default Goals
  • Effects
  • Crafting recipes
  • Combat rate
  • Meat Drop ranges
  • Item drop chance
  • Consumable details

As a note, if any of your scripts reference the old "Giant's Castle" location you'll need to fix them.
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I have heard :

That if you are wearing the Amulet of Extreme Plot Significance, you can open the Ground Floor by visiting the mirror - but this doesn't seem to happen for me, at least not once the Ground Floor has been opened another way. - Confirmed
That if you put the record on, the Goth giant non-combat combat option turns into a way to turn the wheel - but this doesn't happen for me, possibly because Hole in the Sky is already open.
That if you have the model rocket, the Steampunk giant non-combat combat option turns into a way to turn the wheel - but this doesn't happen for me, possibly because Hole in the Sky is already open.

Can anyone comment? Want to get those non-combat spoilers right !
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Unknown item found: possibility potion (6301, 419795453)
6301 possibility potion 419795453 potion4.gif usable t 0
possibility potion Effect: "Always In Motion", Effect Duration: 10
1203 Always In Motion jarl_neverlate.gif 8e8bc4e1f0f6df5807d2b7d7bc58341e use 1 possibility potion
Always In Motion Initiative: +100
Note for the choice adventures:

I think there may be a hidden 3rd option in #678 (Yeah, You're for Me, Punk Rock Giant). I manually set this adventure to switch to the Raver NC, and attempted to do so with "set choiceAdventure678 = 3". however, this just stalled on the choice part when I was auto-adventuring. When I did "set choiceAdventure678 = 4", that properly had "Look Behind the Poster" selected when I was manually adventuring; while autoadventuring, it correctly went to the other noncombat and finished from there.
Huh. Here's a new one: Are you a Man or a Mouse? Choice adventure 680
<Center><centeR><table  width=95%  cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center bgcolor=blue><b>Are you a Man or a Mouse?</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td><center><img src="/images/adventureimages/mousehole.gif" width=100 height=100></center><p>Your aimless, endless wandering upstairs leads you to a mousehole chewed in the baseboard. Since this isn't a cartoon, it's less "perfect arch leading to miniature living room" and more "hole chewed in  the wall leading to stifling darkness." Still, it's preferable to staying up here wondering what you should be doing.<center><form name=choiceform1 action=choice.php method=post><input type=hidden name=pwd value='aaa8df4544c40cd7a60e8f59df0488d4'><input type=hidden name=whichchoice value=680><input type=hidden name=option value=1><input class=button type=submit value="Slip through the Mousehole"></form></center></td></tr></table></center>
Choosing this will finish the trash quest if you can't get tossed by the Goth.
Got that one as well. I think it is when you spend too long trying to do the quest in the wrong way somehow (got it after a total of 80 turns of which 33 was on the top floor).

That said:
Verifying ingredients for intragalactic rowboat (1)...
[COLOR=red]You      need 1 more quantum egg to continue.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]That area      is not available.

I do however have the steam-powered model rocketship which does allow me access to the hole in the sky.
Adding a new semi-rare is a one line fix. Since there are two new semi-rares, two lines need to be added in the appropriate place.
Semirare adventures added with r11902. This is probably a good candidate to get refactored out into a data file.
What's the choice adventure number for Keep On Turnin' the Wheel in the Sky? 679? It's not on the wiki.
Basic choiceadv support with r11904.

As a note, I think there's a bug with the cli output for "show in browser" choices when going from a show in browser choice to another show in browser choice. It seems to show the spoilers for the previous choice.
It'd be nice if the new (and old inhaler) semi-rares were goals for the drop down menu under the adventure location box. I suspect Inhalers aren't a goal anymore because the name of the location changed.
Maybe the other quest related goals could be added too.