New member
I would like to define moods for things like +muscle, +combat, -combat, +item, and be able to turn more than one of them on at the same time.
- Leash of Linguini
- Springy Fusili
- The Magical Mojomuscular Melody
- Musk of the Moose
- Carlweather's Cantata of Confrontation
- Smooth Movement
- The Sonata of Sneakiness
- The Polka of Plenty
- Wasabi Sinuses
- Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric
- Peeled Eyeballs
[B]castle extends general, +combat, meat[/B]
- Leash of Linguini
- Springy Fusili
- The Magical Mojomuscular Melody
- Musk of the Moose
- Carlweather's Cantata of Confrontation
- The Polka of Plenty
- Wasabi Sinuses
mood castle
mood castle extends general, +combat, meat, item
mood castle extends apathetic
mood general, -combat, item
It would be incredibly convenient if there was some sort of graphical interface for this.
Did I hear someone volunteering to write a Relay Script?It would be incredibly convenient if there was some sort of graphical interface for this
[ nuns ]
lose_effect greedy resolve => ashq if(item_amount($item[resolution: be wealthier]) > 0) use(1, $item[resolution: be wealthier])
lose_effect heart of pink => ashq if(item_amount($item[pink candy heart]) > 0) use(1, $item[pink candy heart])
lose_effect polka of plenty => cast 1 the polka of plenty
lose_effect sinuses for miles => ashq if(item_amount($item[ Mick's IcyVapoHotness Inhaler]) > 0) use(1, $item[ Mick's IcyVapoHotness Inhaler])
lose_effect wasabi sinuses => ashq if(dispensary_available() && my_path() != "Bees Hate You") use(1, $item[Knob Goblin nasal spray])
mood default, nuns
[combat ]
gain_effect the sonata of sneakiness => shrug The Sonata of Sneakiness
lose_effect carlweather's cantata of confrontation => cast 1 carlweather's cantata of confrontation
lose_effect hippy stench => ashq if(can_interact() || (my_location() == $location[Wartime Sonofa Beach] && item_amount($item[handful of pine needles]) + item_amount($item[reodorant]) > 0)) cli_execute("use either 1 handful of pine needles, 1 reodorant");
lose_effect musk of the moose => cast 1 musk of the moose
[ default ]
unconditional => call betweenBattleMood.ash
gain_effect coated in slime => call chamois.ash
gain_effect just the best anapests => uneffect Just the Best Anapests
[ noncom ]
gain_effect carlweather's cantata of confrontation => shrug Carlweather's Cantata of Confrontation
lose_effect fresh scent => ashq if(can_interact()) cli_execute("use either 1 chunk of rock salt, 1 deodorant");
lose_effect smooth movements => cast 1 smooth movement
lose_effect the sonata of sneakiness => cast 1 the sonata of sneakiness
[ orchard ]
lose_effect fat leon's phat loot lyric => cast 1 fat leon's phat loot lyric
lose_effect heart of lavender => ashq if(item_amount($item[lavender candy heart]) > 0) use(1, $item[lavender candy heart])
lose_effect joyful resolve => ashq if(item_amount($item[resolution: be happier]) > 0) use(1, $item[resolution: be happier])
lose_effect juiced and jacked => ashq if(item_amount($item[pumpkin juice]) > 0) use(1, $item[pumpkin juice])
lose_effect one very clear eye => ashq if(item_amount($item[cyclops eyedrops]) > 0) use(1, $item[cyclops eyedrops])
lose_effect peeled eyeballs => ashq if(dispensary_available() && my_path() != "Bees Hate You") use(1, $item[Knob Goblin eyedrops])