Feature - Rejected Warning if you adventure in degrassi knoll without talking to the untinker first


I forget to do this about half the time (when I'm not in a Gnoll sign.) Is there any reason to not automatically visit the Untinker as soon as the woods are open?
Actually, there is a reason not to!

I'm rather surprised myself to discover that there is such a reason. Lately I've been experimenting with softcore. (Long time HC4Lyfe brought to softcore by the Valhalla revamp.) Now that I'm ascending softcore I've discovered that if you have a Legion Loathing Knife, dope wheels and a clockwork maid in storage you can solve the quest without ever unlocking the tinker or visiting the knoll.

You're saying right now, "Sure... but does it actually cause a problem?" Actually, yes! It's a minor issue, but I have my Quest Tracker displayed in the Character Pane. If I visit the untinker it will clutter the pane.

In other words, I hope that this feature will be dismissed by the mafia gods.

I have a wonderful override script that automatically visits the crackpot mystic to fetch his continuum transfunctioner and automatically solves the untinker quest when I have access to the knoll. I've modified the script to check if you have access to a loathing legion knife (or anything it can fold into), either in your inventory or storage. If not, then it will visit the untinker on your first visit to the woods.

Just download the attached script and put it in your /relay directory. Problem solved.
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I use Bale's woods.ash, but I didn't post a solution because I thought there was no way to check whether you had already done the untinker quest without using a server hit. Bale found a great way around that problem.
I added automatic untinkering some time ago (when the untinker was moved the woods), though I couldn't remember where I had posted it here so I didn't update it on this forum. Sorry about that. Glad you like my cute solution to the problem.

I just added support for not having a loathing legion knife in response to stannius' request just now. Hopefully it will work. :)

That knife is a lot of fun in softcore! I adore it for so many of its forms. To think that I got it only for its trophy and tattoo, then didn't bother selling it back to the mall.
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I posted a woods.php relay earlier in this thread to automatically open the Untinker and get the continuum transfunctioner. Due to a recent change in KoL it won't work right anymore. Here's the fixed version.

Just download the attached script and put it in your /relay directory.
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I posted a woods.php relay earlier in this thread to automatically open the Untinker and get the continuum transfunctioner.

I'm updating this little script because it just doesn't look right during a Zombie Slayer ascension. I've modified the output so that if you are playing Zombies, you'll get correct responses from a zombie crackpot mystic and a zombie untinker. Just to make it more fun.

Just download the attached script and put it in your /relay directory.

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If anyone is using this they are probably troubled by the recent change to crackpot mystic. I have fixed it. Just put this in your /relay directory to automatically get your Transfunctioner and Screwdriver the first time you go to the woods.


I've placed this script on svn. If you want my most recent version of woods.ash you can get it by copy/pasting the following line to CLI:

svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/bale/relay/code/woods_questStart

If I ever have a reason to update that script, like I did when Zombiecore came out, I will do so without any announcement, but you will automatically get my changes if you check the box in preferences to automatically do an svn update at login.

I've got a bunch of other relay scripts I use, some of which were never actually released properly. You can find them all on svn at https://svn.code.sf.net/p/bale-relay/code/. They need to be checked out individually, so use only the ones you like. Some are similar to bumcheekcity's relay scripts because we copied them from the same author. Others, like topmenu, are completely different from his.
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>[COLOR=olive] svn update https://svn.code.sf.net/p/bale/relay/code/woods_questStart/[/COLOR]

Validating repo...
Repo validated.
At revision -1
[COLOR=red]No script matching https://svn.code.sf.net/p/bale-relay/code/woods_questStart/ is currently installed.[/COLOR]

I'm guessing it should be:
svn [B]checkout [/B]https://svn.code.sf.net/p/bale/relay/code/woods_questStart
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